I’m sure this will vary for many people depending on their schools, where/when they were taught, and the like, so I’m interested to see what others’ experiences have been with this.

I’m also curious about what resources some have used to learn better research skills & media literacy (and found useful) if their school didn’t adequately teach either (or they may have whiffed on it at the time).

  • Shambling Shapes
    1 year ago

    Yeah, I had media literacy sprinkled in starting as early as I could read.

    I remember an early exercise. There were a bunch of statements I had to identify as either fact or opinion. I incorrectly said “Going to the beach is fun” is a fact.

    Fast forward to high school where I had a teacher who took more points off for writing statements without robust sources. And in university where they were on a plagiarism rampage to make sure every word was properly attributed.