I see a lot of posts about how they uploaded anti-spez stuff onto reddit, or participated in the nsfw spams/john oliver spams. While I get wanting to let it all out, this ultimately keeps up engagement on reddit rather than bringing it down.

The best way to make sure things go your way? Vote with your wallet, or in this case your voice. Don’t speak on reddit. Devote more time helping out the alternatives grow and flourish. And as much as it is a meme, touching some grass can help your mental fortitude.

If you absolutely 100% need to interact with reddit, I suggest installing a redirector addon (such as privacy redirect or… redirector) that can link to a teddit or libreddit instance. Or archiving it with wayback/archive.is/ghostarchive.

  • Pilirin
    1 year ago

    the only reasons i’m looking at my reddit window currently are to check modmail (one of my subs is currently restricted but i’m accepting requests for member status) or to check r/modcoord and r/Save3rdPartyApps and other protest subs. i made a promise to the subscribers there when i took control of it from being unmoderated, and i’ll keep that promise to them until the end of the month, but i’m also going to leave quite a bit to remember me by, namely i’m going to configure automod to at least attempt to get rid of most of the spam as well as make the sub effectively unable to be monetized. would rather fly under the radar until that’s in place tho

    • @NightOwl
      31 year ago

      Have the mods also been communicating on other channels like matrix or slack? With reddit being able to read all messages the idea of communicating with other mods over reddit seemed rather weird to me. Like a union discussing plans while corporate is sitting in with them.

      As an outside observer it seemed like the biggest difficulties was that each mod team was doing their own thing. The mma mods who made https://kbin.social/m/mma said “Once the largest subs came back online there’s not really anything that smaller subs can do to hold the line anymore.”

      • Pilirin
        21 year ago

        not as far as i’m aware. i know about discord servers (that i’m not a member of) where discussions are happening, but as far as i’m aware the majority of planning is happening either in the protest-centric subreddits or in this magazine right here.

        i gotta admit, there has been a lot of arrogance and a lack of consideration of consequences by lots of people involved in this on all sides

        • @NightOwl
          1 year ago

          Yeah, over this whole situation and being in smaller communities without lot of activity as reddit. All I could think was a site actually isn’t all that special. It is in the end just a message board with threaded comments, and it is users who post, comment, respond, and interact until a place reaches a sustainable activity point for lurkers to keep revisiting that provides value and mods who monitor for trouble. It doesn’t matter how good a site it is. It’s still just like any message board before it.

          I’m seeing reddit as a place that should stop being seen as so vital and as the only place that can form communities, and the internet does need to be redistributed instead of so centralized when it comes to activity. Even among corporate social media tiktok, twitter, and instagram are similar so there’s well known alternatives that keeps each of those in check and usage and content provided from content creators is more distributed than the current state of a reddit type corporate social media of communities.

          I’ve seen talk from users concerned about reddit. And mods feeling obligated to them. But, so much personal investment at the end of the day in a social media site that is for profit is seeming more like something that would be better off being broken. And it’s kind of strange seeing this with the superiority redditors have had over other social medias, but the level of reliance seems too much and more difficult than other regular people had just switching over to twitter to tiktok or youtube shorts or whatever. Redditors seem the most afraid of change right now.