I see a lot of posts about how they uploaded anti-spez stuff onto reddit, or participated in the nsfw spams/john oliver spams. While I get wanting to let it all out, this ultimately keeps up engagement on reddit rather than bringing it down.

The best way to make sure things go your way? Vote with your wallet, or in this case your voice. Don’t speak on reddit. Devote more time helping out the alternatives grow and flourish. And as much as it is a meme, touching some grass can help your mental fortitude.

If you absolutely 100% need to interact with reddit, I suggest installing a redirector addon (such as privacy redirect or… redirector) that can link to a teddit or libreddit instance. Or archiving it with wayback/archive.is/ghostarchive.

  • minnieo
    471 year ago

    The only thing we ever need to do on reddit is encourage migration to further drive down traffic: Dm mods of your fave subs and ask about migration, something as simple as “Hey, I love this community but I no longer use reddit, will you guys be making a community on Kbin or other alternatives? Let me know please, thanks.” will work!! We need more voices encouraging migration!

    • This is a good idea. At the very least, it’ll put the idea in their brands a maybe bring them along. Worst case scenario, it might spur you to start a community…

    • Elevator7008
      11 year ago

      Thank you for writing that. I took that exact wording and sent it to some mods. Probably because it was easy and convenient, with the words given to me.

  • arquebus_x
    371 year ago

    I’m treating the blackout and the aftermath as a worker strike, and treating any mods replacing removed mods as scabs. But more to the point, it’s a strike and I do not cross picket lines. I will not go even to the Reddit front page until the corporation reverses course, accedes to the demands of their unpaid labor and backs the fuck up.

    • Frog-Brawler
      311 year ago

      At this point, even if Reddit decides to do a full 180, I’m not going back. The community here is smaller, but it’s better right now. There’s a strong sense of unity and I’ve yet to see anything toxic.

      I’m also not planning on telling others about kbin/ Lemmy/ fediverse. I am really appreciating the current self selection bias.

      • aeternum
        91 year ago

        Same. They’ve fucked users over one too many times. Even if they go back to free API usage, I’m still not going back.

      • EnderWi99in
        51 year ago

        It reminds me of what Reddit felt like in the early days, except it feels more diverse and inclusive. It’s kind of the perfect world of what I’d hoped Reddit could become.

        • @hydra@lemmy.world
          31 year ago

          It’s inherently superior to Reddit: it’s decentralized (federated), user friendly, light on resources, free and open source and has no shady obscure algorithms and bots tainting discourse.

        • @Bandananaan@lemmy.world
          11 year ago

          Agreed, it reminds me of the discussion boards you used to get. I feel like there’s an actual community developing here

    • jeebus
      1 year ago

      I also feel replacement mods are scabs, but I’ve been enjoying all the free time I’ve had lately not browsing reddit. I’m actually getting shit done. I’m ashamed of how much I used that site. I will not go back.

  • Tashlan
    211 year ago

    There’s a case to be made on either end. The best thing would be for people to move to better pastures with dignity, but the malicious compliance and worse create headaches and embarrassment for spez that may pay off in the press, or at some other date. Mods getting banned for making their accounts porn accounts certainly know they’re going out the door, but they’d prefer to be thrown out.

    And ultimately, for the veteran redditors who are watching all this, they want to see the end with their own eyes.

    • Entropywins
      81 year ago

      I just popped in for the first time since around the 10th and while there are still posts honestly the upvotes on popular seem really low and the content I saw scrolling through 40 or so threads was really meh and none of my usual favorites popped up… I’m really hoping this is the beginning of the end

      • ErraticDragon
        51 year ago

        NSFW subreddits don’t appear on r/All or r/Popular. (NSFW posts can appear, but only from subs that aren’t flagged as NSFW themselves).

        So the current protest method is somewhat counterproductive. People who never took the step of subscribing to these subs likely won’t see them at all.

    • ErraticDragon
      61 year ago

      Plus, people are still over estimating how much impact has been made. If everyone participating in the ‘protests’ instead deleted their accounts and moved on, Reddit would not be hurt all that much.

      • @NightOwl
        1 year ago

        Despite having subscribed to video game and pcgaming related subs pretty much all of them are just proceeding as normal, so yeah I think people are overestimating impact because I wasn’t subscribed to the major subs. And this is like tech related subs that you’d think would have been more wiling to push people to migrate, but majority of them didn’t.

        Of the subs I subscribed to I think only privacyguides which is their instance that I’m on ever made an effort.

      • NotTheOnlyGamer
        21 year ago

        I don’t think they’d really be hurt at all. New mods would take over some large subs, but things will recover. They’d rather have a userbase of 10 people paying for Premium, clicking and converting on ads, and spending Gold, than a userbase of 1000 who don’t. This is just an ad campaign optimization. Cut out the non-targeted parts of the lookalike to improve conversion metrics.

  • wilberfan
    131 year ago

    Stepping away is sort of my plan at the moment.

    I’m the solo mod of an 11K subscriber sub who posted most of the content. I took the sub private for the first 48 hours of the protest, then polled everyone to see if they wanted to keep going.

    Only a third were in favor. The other two-thirds were “No” or “I don’t understand and/or don’t care”.

    I posted links to equivalent places in lemmy/kbin/discord to see if there would be any kind of migration to follow me here.

    So far I have exactly one follower on lemmy, and 5 new members on discord (none of whom have interacted at all).

    For now, I’m going to continue to monitor my reddit sub (to keep things in order) but will only be posting things in the fediverse. I just cant’, in good conscience, keep contributing to “my” sub in the current environment. It makes me sad, to be honest; I felt a certain amount of pride in what I (we) accomplished over there.

    We’ll see what happens going forward.

    • OpenStars
      51 year ago

      I’m in a similar boat, except I barely used to post anything at all - ironically to avoid the toxic backlash that usually happened whenever I did, and mostly hid out in the comments - and barely anyone wants to leave. They could (not) care less. And I’m trying to see it from their POV: they just don’t know, and MUCH more importantly, don’t want to.

      The house is burning down, and they’re pulling the blankets over their heads. There’s not much that can be done about it perhaps. Don’t Look Up.

      The responses are all “it won’t affect anything anyway” (it already has), “nobody noticed the first blackout” (uh… not true), “this isn’t a protest sub, lets get back to it” (why would such a thing even exist in the first place? strikes happen wherever people happen to WORK, when they are NEEDED).

      But now I’m finally starting to see the difference between people who mod - i.e. offer their hard work to others - vs. people who do not. It’s not as bad as I’m making it sound - it’s sheer human nature, and some people have more capacity than others, like if you are in med school then you probably don’t have time to mod a sub:-). But there is a difference, b/t forward-thinking people and people who wait for things to eventually trickle down to them. I wish I could help convey that thought to them, but… I already have, and now it’s up to them to choose to receive it, or not.

    • envelope
      31 year ago

      Yep. Deleted my account(s) last weekend and that was it. Have not been back.

      • Loudambiance
        51 year ago

        Same. Also blocked it on my dns server, so I wouldn’t be tempted to load it back.

  • @Spzi@lemmy.click
    101 year ago

    I think it makes sense to pour oil in the fire while it lasts, and only leave as you propose, once nothing can be won anymore.

    The downside of leaving early is that it skews the picture. The apathetic remain, and their voice to return to BAU becomes disproportionally louder. It’s also what the company counts on, that it ‘will pass’.

    But I also spend like 99% of my time here, and only visit the old site for a few minutes every other day. In the end, everyone will do what feels right for them, but arguments can be made either way.

    • parrot-party
      31 year ago

      I only return to see what’s up in ModCoord. It’s a healthy dose of “this is why I left”. At least until RIF is dead, then I probably won’t be going back anymore. Certainly not trying to navigate their garbage excuse of a mobile UI.

  • dgtlanarchist
    101 year ago

    I shuttered the two subs I was in charge of (moderate size so they’ve flown under the radar thus far) and simply haven’t been back.

    • parrot-party
      21 year ago

      Unfortunately, they’ll probably get reopened. But you’ll just have to let them move on without you. Either it’ll burn in a fire, or the new mods will carry it in a new direction. Either way, it’s no longer your project/baby.

  • get_the_reference_
    101 year ago

    On the 12th, I uninstalled rif, signed up at Beehaw, heard about Jerboa and installed that, and put the icon for that where the rif one used to be on my home screen. I haven’t been back to Reddit since.

    • dandan
      21 year ago

      I’ve been pressing the pressing the same spot on my phone for 13 years to access Reddit.

      Just putting the kbin app there was all I needed to migrate.

  • deltasalmon
    81 year ago

    Agreed. I nuked my account today and when asked why I was deleting it i mentioned /u/spez and obviously that won’t get back to him but i hope enough people do it to make others in the company realize he’s toxic and needs to go

    • Pilirin
      51 year ago

      he’ll get axed before the company goes public and they’ll put some nameless suit in the role instead. i rekon calling out the entire corporate section might have been better, but then again huffman was one of the three founders so i dunno

  • Pilirin
    1 year ago

    the only reasons i’m looking at my reddit window currently are to check modmail (one of my subs is currently restricted but i’m accepting requests for member status) or to check r/modcoord and r/Save3rdPartyApps and other protest subs. i made a promise to the subscribers there when i took control of it from being unmoderated, and i’ll keep that promise to them until the end of the month, but i’m also going to leave quite a bit to remember me by, namely i’m going to configure automod to at least attempt to get rid of most of the spam as well as make the sub effectively unable to be monetized. would rather fly under the radar until that’s in place tho

    • @NightOwl
      31 year ago

      Have the mods also been communicating on other channels like matrix or slack? With reddit being able to read all messages the idea of communicating with other mods over reddit seemed rather weird to me. Like a union discussing plans while corporate is sitting in with them.

      As an outside observer it seemed like the biggest difficulties was that each mod team was doing their own thing. The mma mods who made https://kbin.social/m/mma said “Once the largest subs came back online there’s not really anything that smaller subs can do to hold the line anymore.”

      • Pilirin
        21 year ago

        not as far as i’m aware. i know about discord servers (that i’m not a member of) where discussions are happening, but as far as i’m aware the majority of planning is happening either in the protest-centric subreddits or in this magazine right here.

        i gotta admit, there has been a lot of arrogance and a lack of consideration of consequences by lots of people involved in this on all sides

        • @NightOwl
          1 year ago

          Yeah, over this whole situation and being in smaller communities without lot of activity as reddit. All I could think was a site actually isn’t all that special. It is in the end just a message board with threaded comments, and it is users who post, comment, respond, and interact until a place reaches a sustainable activity point for lurkers to keep revisiting that provides value and mods who monitor for trouble. It doesn’t matter how good a site it is. It’s still just like any message board before it.

          I’m seeing reddit as a place that should stop being seen as so vital and as the only place that can form communities, and the internet does need to be redistributed instead of so centralized when it comes to activity. Even among corporate social media tiktok, twitter, and instagram are similar so there’s well known alternatives that keeps each of those in check and usage and content provided from content creators is more distributed than the current state of a reddit type corporate social media of communities.

          I’ve seen talk from users concerned about reddit. And mods feeling obligated to them. But, so much personal investment at the end of the day in a social media site that is for profit is seeming more like something that would be better off being broken. And it’s kind of strange seeing this with the superiority redditors have had over other social medias, but the level of reliance seems too much and more difficult than other regular people had just switching over to twitter to tiktok or youtube shorts or whatever. Redditors seem the most afraid of change right now.

  • EnderWi99in
    71 year ago

    I haven’t used Reddit since the protest began aside from dropping a pinned post on my profile linking to my profile on Kbin. I’ve seen this movie before and I know how it plays out. Reddit won’t go away any time soon, but it’s going to be slowly hollowed out while most of the active users migrate to Lemmy/Kbin. I have no doubt in my mind that this community has enough tailwind at this point to thrive.

  • @intelati@lemmy.world
    61 year ago

    With the demoddings I’m going to go on a full Reddit blackout. (Excepting for incidental hotlinks) Lemmy/Federation only now.

  • theblueredditrefugee
    61 year ago

    I’m tempted to post a nsfw pic with both my penis and breasts visible at the same time to r/mildlyinteresting or something. It’d be funny, like “oh hey this is what a penis looks like when your estrogen levels are above 200 how mildly interesting”. It would increase engagement, (engagement that reddit cannot monitize), but more importantly, it’d be funny

  • Sterile_Technique
    61 year ago

    I did install the official app juuuust long enough to give it a one-star rating and a scathing review. Unsure if that actually helps or hurts them, but it was cathartic just the same.