I see a lot of posts about how they uploaded anti-spez stuff onto reddit, or participated in the nsfw spams/john oliver spams. While I get wanting to let it all out, this ultimately keeps up engagement on reddit rather than bringing it down.

The best way to make sure things go your way? Vote with your wallet, or in this case your voice. Don’t speak on reddit. Devote more time helping out the alternatives grow and flourish. And as much as it is a meme, touching some grass can help your mental fortitude.

If you absolutely 100% need to interact with reddit, I suggest installing a redirector addon (such as privacy redirect or… redirector) that can link to a teddit or libreddit instance. Or archiving it with wayback/archive.is/ghostarchive.

  • ThunderingJerboa
    81 year ago

    I mean at the end of the day they are making money from user activity via ads and selling user data. If you are not using the site anymore you are therefore useless to them, you need to starve the beast not give it a snack. I would suggest scrubbing your account as well even though its clear they already have a copy.

    • @NightOwl
      21 year ago

      Yeah, and commenting even if it is to say something negative about reddit just leads to a very active comment chain that leads to people who do pay and not use adblockers something to keep them on the site longer throughout the day.

      Just scrubbing and moving on seems the best route to go.