• Neuromancer
    89 months ago

    I’m a conservative. I want immigrants to come legally. We need to provide paths for people to come here.

    Honestly immigrants tend to work harder and still believe in the American dream. I have more in common with the immigrants than I do most liberals. They don’t see America as failing, they seem as the land of opportunity.

    My roommate is an immigrant. Works 14 hour days, 5 days a week. He loves what America has provided for him.

    • MelodiousFunk
      259 months ago

      Honestly immigrants … still believe in the American dream

      That’s because they’re new. Just wait until they’ve had the rug yanked out from under them a few times while someone tut-tuts about bootstraps.

      • @generalpotato@lemmy.world
        29 months ago

        Lol, no. Been here 20 yrs, pull in great money as a sr software engineer in the valley and I still think America is the land of opportunities and call it home. I started with 0 dollars in my bank with a simple part time job that would pay me $7.25 an hour at my local community college.

        Sometimes, you actually do need to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and work hard to get to where you need to be. I’ve seen a lot of entitlement around me and people complaining without doing much of anything to fix it.

        Complaining and not doing anything about it isn’t unique to the US. That said, America still offers a ton of opportunities for those looking to succeed, and there’s a reason why the American economy commands ~28% of the world’s GDP. All things considered and if this admin stays in office for another term, I see the opportunities increasing even further.

            • Deceptichum
              89 months ago

              You seem to misunderstand, probably because your an American conservative.

              I’m calling you the fucking idiot, you fucking idiot.

              • @generalpotato@lemmy.world
                9 months ago

                And I gave you the benefit of the doubt and actually removed my insult calling you an idiot for making the dim witted comment you made.

                You see the difference a decent education makes? Good job on assuming my political leanings, which btw are not conservative, so you’re wrong there as well.

                Calling you a fucking moron is probably an insult to the term “fucking moron”, but let’s leave it at that so that your room temp iq can comprehend at least this much.

        • Neuromancer
          29 months ago

          The entitlement is what is killing our country. People just want the nanny state to take care of them.

          I grew up poor, and was told if I did X Y and Z i would be successful. I did those things. I was successful. I had liberal friends who were surviving paycheck to paycheck. I put them on the same plan and they gasp became successful.

          It is why I love immigrants. They don’t listen to people who say you can’t be successful in America. They just come here and crush it.

          • @generalpotato@lemmy.world
            29 months ago

            My take is that it appears to be driven by mentality rather than whether somebody is an immigrant or not. People, immigrant or not who like putting in the work end up succeeding while those that complain or act entitled do not. It’s plain as day, nobody is going to give you a hand out so you have to work for it. Welcome to capitalism. It sucks, but get with it or you lose.

            I’ve got successful immigrant and non immigrant friends and those that end up succeeding also end up being like minded. That said, I do think that, yes, immigrants more commonly have the “work hard or fail” mindset given their prior socioeconomic status typically ends up being unfavorable which serves as a catalyst for them.

            I agree with entitlement becoming more and more common these days but that can also be attributed to people being generally more outspoken and having platforms to voice their concerns.

            • Neuromancer
              29 months ago

              While I support living wages and single payer system. Until those happen, hard work is the path to success.

              I’ve done well and I’ve worked hard.

              Ive watched immigrants come and start businesses while people from here say there is no opportunity to do that here.

              Socialism/communism isn’t the answer as everyone just ends up with less and not enough.

              People need to realize they control the destiny and can chart their own path.

      • Neuromancer
        29 months ago

        He’s been here for twenty years. He made 500k last year. He’s a big advocate of pulling yourself up from your bootstraps. That’s his story as an immigrant from Mexico who had nothing and now has a good career.

        More Americans could learn from immigrants and pulling themselves up instead of expecting things to come to them.

        • @Nudding@lemmy.world
          129 months ago

          You know the phrase pulling yourself up by your boot straps was first invented to make fun of people like you? Lmao

          • Neuromancer
            19 months ago

            Someone is awfully judgy. He’s a traveling nurse. He goes from assignment to assignment.

            I’m only at that house a few weeks out of the year. So I have no issue renting a room to a good cause.

              • Neuromancer
                19 months ago

                How is that an own? I provide temporary living to traveling nurses.

                That’s smart living. I’m there about two weeks every quarter. They want a home to live in. Works great for everyone.

                If you think being successful is an own, then I own it.

              • Neuromancer
                29 months ago

                Not sure you understand conservatism.

                Anyways have a nice living in your mom’s basement.

                  • Neuromancer
                    9 months ago

                    I’m not going to have off topic debate with someone because they are butt hurt that others are successful.

                    You don’t like conservatives. Not the first time I’ve met a bigot.

                    As such the conversation is wasted time as you’ve already made up you mind. You just want to be the edge lord and as such I have to respectfully decline.