Utah became the latest state Tuesday to file a lawsuit against TikTok, alleging the company is “baiting” children into addictive and unhealthy social media habits.

TikTok lures children into hours of social media use, misrepresents the app’s safety and deceptively portrays itself as independent of its Chinese parent company, ByteDance, Utah claims in the lawsuit.

“We will not stand by while these companies fail to take adequate, meaningful action to protect our children. We will prevail in holding social media companies accountable by any means necessary,” Republican Gov. Spencer Cox said at a news conference announcing the lawsuit, which was filed in state court in Salt Lake City.

  • @KillAllPoorPeople@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    “We’re just looking out for the best interest of our children!”

    A bunch of 35-45 year old Lemmy users bashing something they don’t use but something the kids do. Just like their boomer and silent gen parents.

    You guys fucking suck. I’d say I hope you all have sad, pathetic lives, but I know you all already do.