• @naught@sh.itjust.works
      9 months ago

      Yeah I mean it makes me sad (as a veg) but is this out of character or really “wrong” to a meat eater? Like, that animal is exactly what you find to be very tasty and have no problem eating. What’s wrong with this given that ethical framework? If anything, he’s just being earnest lol

      e: phrasing

        • @Rodeo@lemmy.ca
          49 months ago

          Anyone who thinks that’s all they are is either horribly desensitized or hasn’t spent any real time around farm animals.

          I know lots of farmers who think exactly that. Stop projecting your self-righteous sense of morality on others.

          Unless you’re going to invoke some actual philosophy, your opinion is just as moot as anyone else’s.

    • XbSuper
      159 months ago

      Gordon Ramsay absolutely is not sheltered. He has killed and harvested his own animals many times.

      As for hunters not doing this, I think you don’t know many hunters. I’m a hunter, have many hunter friends, and talk hunting with people any chance I get. I’ve never met a hunter who wouldn’t be ok with this(or even do it themselves). Granted this is anecdotal evidence from both of us, but still.

      Also, some people genuinely don’t care about the animals we raise specifically for food, that’s all they are to them (I fall into this group). I see their lives as ours, they exist solely to feed us. That doesn’t mean I think they should have shitty living conditions until their time comes, they should be able to enjoy what little life they have.

        • XbSuper
          59 months ago

          I never said it was made up, just that neither of our evidence is based on much.

          As for being cringey? Call it what you want, but those specific animals literally only exist because they’re delicious, and we want to eat them. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like it, it’s fact.

          Animals are here for us to enjoy. The exact meaning of that is up to each individual on this earth.

        • @papertowels
          9 months ago

          No, your anecdotal experiences are different, so they shouldn’t be used as a basis to influence or judge others.

            • @papertowels
              9 months ago

              Was this anecdote included to justify the judgement?

              Alternatively, every hunter and farmer I know who hasn’t become fully disassociated (the majority of them) respects the animals they eat too much to do something like this.

              I’m not saying you’re wrong for judging others btw- just that in light of two equally anecdotal and contrasting experiences, the anecdotal evidence should not be included.

    • @papertowels
      49 months ago

      and also shows a disregard for where your food comes from

      I don’t think you can acknowledge where your food is coming from anymore than this.

    • @jscummy@sh.itjust.works
      29 months ago

      Strikes me as completely the opposite. He’s going to the source overseeing the whole process. And obviously it’s going to be prepared with the utmost care and turned into a world class dish. Compared to Joe Schmo torching a factory farmed steak, it seems a lot more respectful