The “see translation” feature for user bios was auto-translating phrases that included “Palestinian” and “alhamdulillah” into “Praise be to god, Palestinian terrorists are fighting for their freedom.”

      118 months ago

      Not all Palestine fighters are associated with terrorist groups. They are regular people like you and me literally fighting for their lives.

    • Johanno
      68 months ago

      Well usually the winner of a war declares who is a terrorist and who is a revolutionist.

      Let’s take for example Ireland. While the irish in their history talk about freedom warriors the british called them terrorists.

      This conflict in there won’t end until either all of one side are dead. There is so much ideology and hate involved and neither are willing to pay the price of peace.

        28 months ago

        Dude, by any definition of the word, the IRA were terrorists. They targeted civilians with politically motivated violence. That’s essentially the definition of terrorism.

        There’s something here about neither side being committed to peace, but only one of these sides are genocidal nationalist religious extremists. And it isn’t the side which has a minority Arab population.