• @Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
    2311 months ago

    How about this. No aid for Israel.

    They lost all sympathy and stopped deserving aid the minute they decided that bombing a hospital was a good place to start. And if they’ve got the money to turn refugee camps into literal craters, they clearly don’t need the money for humanitarian needs either. If their citizens need help, then lob a few less bombs Gaza’s way and use that money for humanitarian aid instead. Then Biden should say that "while the US continues to consider Israel a regional and military ally, we cannot condone their response to the attack by Hamas. And since Gaza is run by Hamas, which is a terror organization, it is is the position of the US to remain neutral in this conflict outside of providing humanitarian aid. While we renounce the actions taken by Hamas, the response by Israel is not something we consider acceptable either. "

    Biden is going to learn, quickly and the hard way, that taking one side or the other in this is just going to piss off at least one core group of supporters one way or the other. And while taking no position is probably going to piss off at least some people from both groups, it’s probably the least bad option available to him right now.

    • @HelixDab2@lemm.ee
      511 months ago

      The hospital bombing is unclear; some sources are saying an Israeli bomb, some sources are saying a Hamas rocket that misfired, and it’s not clear which is accurate yet. OTOH, Israel has admitted to bombing a refugee camp due to “Hamas tunnels underneath”, so…

      • @mycatiskai
        1211 months ago

        She drew attention to the impact on civilian infrastructure in Gaza, stating that the World Health Organization (WHO) has said that 34 attacks have been reported against health-care facilities, including 21 hospitals. Twelve of Gaza’s 35 hospitals, which are also being used as shelters for displaced people, can no longer function


        Maybe the jury is still out on the one the Israeli govt is denying but the other 33?

      • @Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
        611 months ago

        Take a look at the damage done to that hospital. That wasn’t done by an errant misfire of a rocket from a rocket launcher that was probably decades old and/or just some kind of homemade improvised device.

        Israel at first was at least trying to hide behind plausible deniability, And then just decided to scrap that idea and not bother trying to hide the fact that they’re just going to nuke and pave the whole damn place, civilians be damned.

        I would have been more willing to believe Israel if they hadn’t spent the entire time since October 7th committing even worse atrocities.