sense most online business are having black friday is it worth buying something or should i pass and try to save my money. im a teen i have around 200$ but i would like to limit myself to 100$ or less. im probably posting this in the wrong place but im not sure, i just want to make a smart choice when it comes to money.

also i will not be investing in stocks or crypto so please dont suggest it.

  • roo
    1 year ago

    Good shoes are priceless as a teenager. As an adult shoes don’t seem to be half the problem they were as a teenager.

    For example, applying for jobs is insane as a teenager because a lot of people are extremely judgy on mere whiffs of superficial appearances. Not cool enough, or too cool can sway some HR people. Don’t expect to be vetted by rocket scientists!

    Argh! Nightmare memories. I tried to pull off some casual looks that backfired horribly with various employers and interviewers.