Former President Barack Obama cautioned against ignoring the complexities of the Israel-Hamas war, warning that “all of us are complicit.”

“If you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth. And you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean, that all of us are complicit to some degree,” he said in an excerpted interview with Pod Save America released Saturday.

      138 months ago

      Which part of…

      lib blame-shifting bullshittery

      …didn’t you get the first time around?

      Do tell… do you hide behind this (alleged) “complexity” when the subject of Apartheid-South Africa comes up? Or the Antebellum South, perhaps?

          68 months ago

          Hamas is not the party that has been perpetrating white supremacist settler-colonialism since 1949.

          Your “bothside-ism” is nothing but thinly-veiled apologetics for Israel.

            118 months ago

            Israel is not the party that stormed a festival and ruthlessly executed civilians and took civilians as hostages. It’s easy to play this game. The fact is Hamas is the bigger asshole at the moment, much bigger. They launched an attack with no clear objectives other than killing Israelis. If they had lined up on the border of Gaza and said they were declaring independence, creating a sovereign state to end years of ongoing Israeli brutality, and requested international support to build the governance and infrastructure to support it this would be a totally different discussion.

              48 months ago

              Oh, look… a liberal blaming the colonized for their own colonization.

              It just doesn’t take a lot for you to betray the rabid right-wing, pro-colonialist ideology hiding under your liberal facade, does it?

                98 months ago

                Here’s the part you’re not getting: Hamas didn’t launch the attack to end their colonization. Show me some clear, obtainable objectives from Hamas in this attack that will benefit Gaza and the Palestinians instead of just taunting liberals and I’ll be all ears.

                  48 months ago

                  Here’s the part you’re not getting - the colonized does not require your approval or permission to resist colonization.

                  The fact that you obviously believe they do shows how thoroughly you are invested in viewing the world through the lens of white supremacist colonialism… so I guess the answer to my original question is in the affrimative - you are the exact kind of person that would have provided “complexity” apologetics no matter which instance of colonialist slaughter we’d be living through.

                  Peak liberalism - as the kids these days would say.

                    88 months ago

                    Again, Hamas is not doing anything to address or end the colonization. Nothing. I’ll get on your side for a moment and for the sake of discussion I’ll agree Israel has done very bad things to Palestinians over decades. Pile on whatever you want on top of this to make Israel out to be worse than Satan or whatever. Then answer the question, what positive outcome will there be to the Hamas attack? You’ve failed to identify anything. Your entire line of argument here is an irrelevant “because colonization” and a bunch of labeling and ad hominem attacks on anyone who disagrees with you.

                88 months ago

                Either way, my ‘both-sideism’ is mostly the ability to be empathetic to the situation both sides are in currently.

                If I were a Palestinian in Gaza, I would be pissed at essentially being born into an open air prison with the boots of another that hates me in my neck all my life. I would be willing to fight, however I could, to strike back at my jailers.

                If I were an Israeli, I’d see Gaza as filled with dangerous people who want to exterminate me an my family. I would ideally want them gone, but knowing that’s not possible, id want them kept as non threatening as possible in their cage.

                Neither side is wrong; if I were Israel I wouldn’t want any kind of solution that empowers a group whose stated goal is my death. And I can’t blame the anger of the residents of Gaza for their treatment over the decades.

                  38 months ago


                  We have already established that you are “empathetic” to white supremacist settler-colonialism - which in itself proves that your “empathy” is no less facetious as everything else that emanates from right-wing ideology.

                  If I were an Israeli

                  And if you were German in the 1940s, you’d see everybody to the east of Germany as dangerous “Jewish Bolshevists” that must be exterminated at every cost.

                  And according to the mentally diseased liberal “centrist” hive mind you are a proud member of, you wouldn’t be wrong, would you?

                  No, Sonny Jim, you are wrong - and you know it, too. That’s why you’re tying yourself into white supremacist logic-pretzels to apologize for your support of white supremacist settler-colonialism.

                  That is it. End of story.

                    88 months ago

                    And if you were German in the 1940s, you’d see everybody to the east of Germany as dangerous “Jewish Bolshevists” that must be exterminated at every cost.

                    False equivalency. Eastern European Jews never stated their intention was to exterminate the German people and they never carried out acts of violence in furtherance of that goal.

                    This statement reads like you don’t believe Israel has any kind of legitimate security concern in Hamas, which we both know is insane.

            88 months ago

            Hamas is not the party that has been perpetrating white supremacist settler-colonialism since 1949.

            Neither is Israel. Please educate yourself on this multi-millennia long conflict before trying to claim it’s not a complicated situation.

            Shit, here’s a short video that might help explain why this isn’t anywhere close to as cut and dry as you want it to be:

              28 months ago

              Neither is Israel

              Israel is a white supremacist settler-colonialist state. End of story.


              Seventy years doesn’t qualify as “multi-millenia,” okay?

                58 months ago

                Israel is a white supremacist settler-colonialist state. End of story.

                You can keep saying that but they aren’t white, and they are the original settlers of the area… Soooo not end of story, not even part of the story.

                Seventy years doesn’t qualify as “multi-millenia,” okay?

                Yeah but 3000 years is so…

                Maybe watch the video? Or read up on history? Like maybe look at the buildings Jewish people built there thousands of years ago that are still standing? And there’s the fact that they’ve been there the whole time? Sure there was a migration of Jewish people coming back after WW2, but the population didn’t go from 0. They were always there.

                In fact the Jewish population was the reason the white colonizers (the British ) left Israel in the late 40’s.

                  18 months ago

                  but they aren’t white

                  Say it louder. Bellow it from the rooftops so that every Jewish person in occupied Palestine can hear you - they aren’t “white” enough for you… just like your European ancestors insisted when they massacred Jewish people and drove them from their homes due to their rabid antisemitism. Show them that they are nothing but kapos to you, right-winger - show them that you will only support them as long as they are repressing brown people for you in the middle-east.

                  Show them what true antisemitism looks like in the way that only you and your ilk can.

                  Yeah but 3000 years is so

                  Pulling 2930 years out of your arrse is not the magic trick you assume it to be.

                  they’ve been there the whole time?

                  Did you only figure out now that there have always been Jewish Palestinians in Palestine? Wait till you find out that the earth isn’t flat…

                    8 months ago

                    I’m fucking Jewish you raging asshole. My ancestors are the ones that were massacred you absolute fucking disgrace of a human.

                    Pulling 2930 years out of your arrse is not the magic trick you assume it to be.

                    It’s not out my ass, it’s out of history.

                    Did you only figure out now that there have always been Jewish Palestinians in Palestine? Wait till you find out that the earth isn’t flat…

                    Okay so you understand that that proves you’re wrong right?

                    But just fuck you. Stop trying to white wash me and my family you complete tool.

                    8 months ago

                    Go watch the video. The Jewish population literally kicked them out. That’s literal facts, so I think you’re the idiotic bitch.

                    Y’all really don’t want to educate yourselves on this and you just want to say it’s a super simple situation that you’ve already figured out.

                    Or you’re just super racist like the other guy.