Former President Barack Obama cautioned against ignoring the complexities of the Israel-Hamas war, warning that “all of us are complicit.”

“If you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth. And you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean, that all of us are complicit to some degree,” he said in an excerpted interview with Pod Save America released Saturday.

    111 months ago

    Not answering the question, huh? The people who created Israel and runs it to this very day learned their white supremacist colonialism from the best in the game - France, Germany, Britain and, of course, the US - I guess it’s just a pure coincidence that these countries, historical and traditional hotbeds of fundamentalist white supremacism and antisemitism, are also Israel’s most generous backers, eh?

    You don’t have to answer - it’s a question more and more people will be asking - and answering - no matter what you or your glorified Crusader state does.

    Just admit you’re anti semitic

    Don’t project your (pretty typical) right-wing self-hatred onto me… I’m not the one apologizing for oppressors and mass-murderers. You are.

    it’s a complicated

    There’s nothing complicated about white supremacist settler-colonialism - not for those who aren’t willing collaborators, anyway.

    that Israelites were there

    Yes, the Palestinians have been there for a very long time. You know… in Palestine.

    I don’t fuck with their racist ass shit either.

    Which part of…

    That’s who you share an ideological bed with.

    …didn’t you get the first time around?

    You literally share the same ideological bed as the kind of people who perpetrated the Holocaust (who, incidentally, also considered forcefully displacing European Jewish people to Palestine - perfectly in-line with the beliefs of the antisemitic originators of the ideology of Zionism).

    So yes… you are fully onboard with their “racist ass shit” white supremacism - their “racist ass shit” white supremacism is literally the only reason modern-day Israel can exist in the way that it does today. You didn’t think that Israel funds it’s vast murder-toy collection by selling the water it steals from Palestinians, did you?

      11 months ago

      I’ve already answered your “question” and it’s based on a racist false premise you’re continuing to perpetuate because you can’t reconcile your own racist beliefs being racist. So you pin up this big strawman that I never said so your gymnastics can suit yourself.


      Yes, the Palestinians have been there for a very long time. You know… in Palestine.

      You seem to bitch a lot about “white supremacist colonizers”, but calling it Palestine is literally the white supremacist colonizer name for it. That’s what the Roman empire decided to rename it after they took it over.

        111 months ago

        I’ve already answered your “question”

        No, you haven’t. Here… I’ll repost it to shake up your memory.

        Good… now I can ask you directly - what does it feel like to play kapo for the very people that invented antisemitism?

        There’s something I need you to explain for me… have you or have you not noticed that all of Israel’s enablers - all the countries that have proven so fond of the idea of Israel including England, where antisemitic Christians invented Zionism - are literally countries with deep histories of white supremacism, colonialism and… drumroll, please… antisemitism?

        racist beliefs being racist.

        Accusing everyone that’s pointing out your white supremacist beliefs of “reverse racism” hasn’t worked out that well for any of your other right-wing brethren… but maybe you’ll be the exception, right?

        the Roman empire decided

        White supremacist ideology didn’t exist back when the Roman empire was a thing - I guess we can also tack “doesn’t understand what white supremacism is” to your PragerU-level lack of historical understanding, eh?

          111 months ago

          Good… now I can ask you directly - what does it feel like to play kapo for the very people that invented antisemitism?

          I wouldn’t know. Because I’m not.

          There’s something I need you to explain for me… have you or have you not noticed that all of Israel’s enablers - all the countries that have proven so fond of the idea of Israel including England, where antisemitic Christians invented Zionism - are literally countries with deep histories of white supremacism, colonialism and… drumroll, please… antisemitism?

          That’s actually a subset of Israel’s supporters. And by the fucking way I’ve never voiced support of what the current government is doing, I stated it was a complicated situation. And you decided that meant I gargle Netanyahu’s balls.

          Accusing everyone that’s pointing out your white supremacist beliefs of “reverse racism” hasn’t worked out that well for any of your other right-wing brethren… but maybe you’ll be the exception, right?

          1. You’re literally white washing an entire group of people and ignoring thousands of years of history just so you can claim actual racism as reverse racism. That’s God tier racism, congrats.

          2. I’m sick of you calling me right wing. You don’t know me, and it couldn’t be farther from the truth. I do know however, that your entire spiel has been rife with racism, so you’re likely the right winger here larping as liberal and you’re not arguing in good faith.

          3. I’m not accusing everyone, I’m accusing you. For your racist overtones.

          White supremacist ideology didn’t exist back when the Roman empire was a thing

          Bruh are you fucking kidding me? Us vs then supremacy has existed since the dawn of man. It existed back when the neanderthal were around, so it definitely existed back then

          Roman empire was the first real go at White supremacy. Their whole thing was “you know, we’re better than everyone else at things, let’s take them over”, moreover the reason the Romans renamed it was because they didn’t like Jewish people. Tell me how that’s different from your proud boy ass.

            111 months ago

            I wouldn’t know. Because I’m not.

            Yes - you fucking are. The modern-day state of Israel is a creation of western colonialism - you know… the exact same western colonialism that resulted in the Nazis looking for their precious “lebensraum” in the (so-called) “Jewish-Bolshevist” east? You know… the exact same (so-called) “western civilization” that invented antisemitism? Israel is a kapo state, doing the bidding of and being enabled by the same white supremacist and antisemitic powers that made Jewish life so damn difficult and next-to impossible in the west in the first place.

            And here you are… running interference against the people that is pointing out this inconvenient truth out to you and everybody else.

            So, again… what does it feel like to play kapo for the very people that invented antisemitism?

            That’s actually a subset of Israel’s supporters.

            Yeah, you’re right - I left out quite a few. Canada, Australia, Apartheid-South Africa - man, the white supremacist rabbit-hole just gets deeper and deeper, doesn’t it?

            claim actual racism as reverse racism.

            Sooo… you still don’t understand squat about white supremacism. Nothing about that has changed.

            I’m sick of you calling me right wing.

            You can stop being a right-winger any time you damn well feel like it - it is a choice, you know.

            I’m not accusing everyone, I’m accusing you

            Clyde, you accusing people who are pointing out your investment in white supremacist propaganda doesn’t make you unique. It’s one of the go-to strategies of every white supremacist that learned their ideology watching Ben Shapiro videos.

            Bruh are you fucking kidding me?

            White supremacism didn’t exist back when the Roman empire was a thing because white supremacism hadn’t been invented yet. You know… the same reason the Romans didn’t have M16 rifles? The “scientific racism” which underpins the modern-day ideology of white supremacism is a purely European invention that arose during the colonialist era starting with the (so-called) “Reconquista” in Spain. I hope this is not too difficult for you to understand.

              111 months ago

              That’s a lot of text just to show you don’t know what you’re talking about.

              Okay, I’m sorry that you can’t understand that white supremacy is still white supremacy even if the phrase didn’t exist.

              The concept still did … Like, what do you call someone that enslaves other races for being lesser than them, takes over their land, changes shit because fuck them etc etc?

              White supremacists, or ancient Romans.

              They laid the ground work for all of it, and that’s why you’re so vehemently defending them, you alt right people love you some white supremacy that isn’t called it.

              Greeks and Romans did the racism:

              Clyde, you accusing people who are pointing out your investment in white supremacist propaganda doesn’t make you unique. It’s one of the go-to strategies of every white supremacist that learned their ideology watching Ben Shapiro videos.

              But you’re literally the racist POS here. You’ve done Jack shit to deny it other than try to play the uno reverse card, while I’ve pointed out your white supremacist bullshit.

              All you’ve done is throw up a strawman and call that racism, the problem with a strawman is, I never said it or claim to agree with it.

              Sorry you don’t like people of color getting their ancestral land back. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on native Americans and African Americans 🙄 I bet you don’t want them to get reparations.

                111 months ago

                that white supremacy

                You didn’t have the foggiest clue how white supremacism works a while ago… you don’t have the foggiest clue how white supremacism works now. Nothing has changed.

                The concept still did

                Clyde, read this part again, and read it carefully.

                White supremacism didn’t exist back when the Roman empire was a thing because white supremacism hadn’t been invented yet. You know… the same reason the Romans didn’t have M16 rifles? The “scientific racism” which underpins the modern-day ideology of white supremacism is a purely European invention that arose during the colonialist era starting with the (so-called) “Reconquista” in Spain.

                But you’re literally the racist POS here.

                Again… you accusing people who are pointing out your investment in white supremacist propaganda of “reverse racism” doesn’t make you unique. It just makes you a run-of-the-mill, made-in-a-mold white supremacism apologist.

                All you’ve done is throw up a strawman

                Clyde, you apologizing for a white supremacist settler-colonialist state is not a strawman - it’s you apologizing for a white supremacist settler-colonialist state. That’s you… no amount of deflection changes that.

                Sorry you don’t like people of color getting their ancestral land back.

                The Palestinians will get their land back eventually - white supremacist settler-colonialist projects are as unsustainable in the middle-east as they proved to be in Africa. Your hoped-for genocide will fail.

                  11 months ago

                  An apple is still an apple regardless of whether you call it an apple.

                  If this sentence doesn’t make sense to you, there’s no need to proceed because you’re just actively refusing logic.

                  And again, I don’t support what the Israeli government is doing, that’s more strawman out of you.

                    111 months ago

                    An apple is still an apple regardless of whether you call it an apple.

                    A white supremacist settler-colonialist state is still a white supremacist settler-colonialist state regardless of how much white supremacist propaganda you peddle in a vain attempt to prove otherwise.

                    no need to proceed

                    Nobody is stopping you from scampering away from this, right-winger.