it’s very much borrowed from one of the reddit subs i frequent(ed) often, but the idea is to share what we’re playing weekly and hopefully create discussions around those games (or simply have a sort of “check-in”).

    31 year ago

    Diablo 4 officially launches for everyone on the 6th, but early access released yesterday for Twitch streamers and people willing to pay Blizzard a premium to start playing it early. It’s good so far, but I’m not very far into it yet. You can check out SkillUp’s YouTube review here if you want more detailed information about it.

    I tend to play different games on a rotation based on what I feel like playing, so I tend to bounce around a bit.

    • @potcandan
      21 year ago

      That makes sense. I just can’t see myself putting down a new Diablo game so quickly unless it sucked but I tend to get hyper focused on one game and binge the shit out of it.