• PugJesus
      228 months ago

      No, I guarantee you Trump would be saying much, much worse. Trump broke with prior Republican orthodoxy over Israel - to become more fervently pro-Israel.

      They’re both bad on the Israel-Palestinian conflict. They’re not even fucking close to equally bad. And few other people in their parties would be better.

      • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        We’re essentially talking about the Trolley Problem here. Vote for Biden, support genocide. Don’t vote, worse genocide happens due to your inaction.

        Are you willing to stake the country’s future on enough people being prepared to pull the lever and divert the trolley? Because that’s what Democrats are currently doing.

        It’s risky as hell and the stakes are monstrous and we’re being put in this situation by politicians who want us to treat them like they’re not acting like Snidely Whiplash.

        • PugJesus
          8 months ago

          Oh, you’re ready to watch it all burn down? That’s just swell. You’re not just going to sit on your ass and wait for someone else to burn it down, right? Because that would just be letting the worse candidate win so you can keep your hands ‘clean’ because you’re in a position comfortable enough to sit on your hands and play the part of the moralist as others suffer, so long as you don’t examine your own inaction too closely.


            • PugJesus
              138 months ago

              Clearly comfortable enough to embrace it getting worse. Some of us will quite literally die without government-subsidized healthcare, or food assistance, or social security, all things on the GOP chopping block. You want to watch my grandparents die they’re kicked out on the streets and unable to pay rent or food? Want to watch me vomit blood until I exsanguinate because the medication the government subsidizes is hundreds of dollars more a month than I make, period, much less can afford? You have fun with that. I sure as shit won’t.

          • @agitatedpotato@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            8 months ago

            If all you do is vote once every other year, what right do you have to say that person should do more to support their ideas than you do for yours? People who say what you say also say stuff like “I dont like biden but . . .” And no one asks them to prove they tried to field a better candidate than Biden to prove it.

            If you’re voting for someone you consider the ‘less evil’ option but then do nothing to fix the evil you voted for, you’re exactly the same as the person you criticized.

            • PugJesus
              18 months ago

              what right do you have to say that person should do more to support their ideas than you do for yours

              I’m not advocating a fucking civil war.

              • @agitatedpotato@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                18 months ago

                That doesn’t make your statement less hypocritical. You didn’t call them out for wanting a civil war, you called them out for only voting to achieve their goals.

                • PugJesus
                  18 months ago

                  … can you describe to me how someone, who advocates civic participation in democracy, a form of action to improve the world, calling out the hypocrisy of someone else, who advocates sitting around hoping things get worse, in the hopes that someone else will start a civil war, a form of action to improve the world, is, itself, hypocrisy?

                  • @agitatedpotato@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                    8 months ago

                    Honestly probably not, you continue to show you have no interest in understanding any reasoning other than your own which you seem to think is the ONLY way to achieve just and desirable goals. It’s right there in the first reply I gave you, but now you want to water it down with whose ambitions are just and whose are not. Theses have no bearing on what you choose to mock them for, which was their means of obtaining their goal. If you wanna mock them for being dumb and self destructive go ahead and do that, but you didn’t do that you mocked the amount of effort they applied, then got mad when it was pointed out that it’s just about the same amount of effort you apply.

        • Flying Squid
          58 months ago

          I hope you’re white, Christian, heterosexual and male. Otherwise Trump is going to make your life a living hell.

          But hey, at least you can say you didn’t vote for Biden when you’re in the concentration camp.

        • BraveSirZaphod
          18 months ago

          You’re not gonna do shit.

          But by all means, light a torch and see where that gets you. I’m sure it’ll be really far.

    • Melkath
      68 months ago

      The different is that Trump and his baffoons talk big but don’t know how to actually do the things they say.

      Biden knows how to effectively do the things he does, which from what I have seen is mostly making half assed “attempts” to do good things and letting them die at the first sign of opposition to create the illusion that he isn’t evil for his neo-progressive kool aid drinkers, but being really effective about keeping a genocide going.