Many of Trump’s proposals for his second term are surprisingly extreme, draconian, and weird, even for him. Here’s a running list of his most unhinged plans.

  • livus
    17 months ago

    Yikes. The pressure must have been really intense. I’m in NZ and I lost a bunch of US internet friends (some I’d met irl) for not being enthusiastic about attacking Afghanistan.

    • FuglyDuck
      47 months ago

      In the immediate family, it wasn’t too terrible. It was a certain uncle, that I never speak to any more thinking I should be signing up. (he’s as deep into MAGA world as anyone, the only reason he wasn’t at Jan 6 was he’s too broke to go.)

      Most everyone else kind of would just… not talk about it? By the time i did graduate, all the fervor wore off into a kind of … refusal to accept we’d been lied to? I dunno weird times.

      I will say this. It definitely colors my understanding of what’s going on with Palestine. Seems to be that history is rhyming again.