By most accounts, Speaker Mike Johnson inherited a House Republican majority in disarray after the sudden ouster of his predecessor last month.

But as Johnson, R-La., tries to rebuild that slim majority, he’s fast running into the same hard-right factions and divisions that Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., was unable to tame. That’s disrupting the party’s agenda, shelving priorities and leaving gnawing questions about any leader’s ability to govern.

    • iAmTheTot
      67 months ago

      Just porno, not gay porno. Not as though it being gay porno would change the situation at all.

        7 months ago

        Okay I could be wrong but the article I read I thought I remembered it specifically saying gay porno. But yea I don’t care what kind of porno it is either.

        Except that he is outspoken against the lgbt community which would actually change the situation.