Basically i hate my abusive siblings and i wish i can find any Communities that helps with these problems

  • @Mohamad20ZXOP
    37 months ago

    They mock me for being inferior and weak

    • ElleChaise
      37 months ago

      If you let them know their bullying is getting to you, they’ll only continue and increase their torment. You might need to grow a thick skin to get through living with them, but try not to let that harden you to the world too much in the process. They may be physically stronger than you, but that shouldn’t stop you from becoming your best self. Not for them; but for yourself.

        57 months ago

        Agree and disagree. If they’re bullying you and they don’t know, then they need to know that they’re causing harm. Else, letting them know makes it worse.

        If it’s the latter, the only way out that I can think of (other than waiting until you’re free and can make your own life choices) is to instill fear into them. They need a wake-up call of some kind by letting them know that you can literally destroy their lives quickly and easily. Whatever that is, make sure it’s legal and make sure that it’s effective before you do it. I can’t say what works for sure without knowing your siblings, so. Here are some bad ideas that’ll probably get your head churning:

        • Get them into bad financial situations by calling their banks
        • Cutting off their internet for their laptop during an exam, but keeping it on their phone
        • Calling the cops on them while they’re out doing something illegal
        • Getting a friend to intimidate them with genuinely scary messages that seems like “doxxing”

        By the way, none of this is a replacement for a psychiatric medications, therapy, or abuse hotlines. These will be more helpful in dealing with trauma (which you almost certainly have) and uncontrollable emotions. Simply acting in revenge isn’t going to solve all of your issues, but my hope is that they stop bothering you so you can focus on yourself and your own needs.

      • @Mohamad20ZXOP
        17 months ago

        but how can I find ways to stop Them I tried being nice to Them and that didn’t work out

      • @Mohamad20ZXOP
        17 months ago

        being boss jerks And not having any care for my mental health

          • @Mohamad20ZXOP
            17 months ago

            Oh sorry i meant they are really jerks that Thinks they are better than me but in reality they just massive wusies i ever tried pranking one of them by sharing her phone number on Reddit and then my account is banned there