Whenever there’s a storyline with quark, they talk about money/latinum.

I remember in one of the next gen episodes that there was discussion about money and Picard said something about how they’ve moved away from money.

So do Starfleet get paid now?

Update: thank you for the quick responses. From what I’m gathering the tldr is that the following is the answer

  • Ferengi love for money/not being a post scarcity society by design
  • Bajorans being so near their slavery times and not post scarcity yet
  • Quark creating an atmosphere of camaraderie/gambling/upgraded replicators/actual food

All this requires some form of currency.

  • HobbitFoot
    147 months ago

    I think Sisko threatened to charge Quark for rent and utilities in one episode as a way to get Quark to do something Sisko wanted.

    Quark may be billing Starfleet for his services, but I’m sure he understands how to be in the good graces of his cop landlord.

    • @cybervseas@lemmy.world
      57 months ago

      I’m pretty sure that’s the episode where Quark becomes an arms dealer.

      Which also has Avery Brooks’s creepiest line in the series; the way he says “Works for me!” gives me chills. Serial killer vibes.

      • @GraniteM@lemmy.world
        137 months ago

        Having seen Avery Brooks give panels at cons, I can confidently say that all the times when Sisko got space madness or was holosuite transformed into a Bond villain or was otherwise acting like a madman… all of those performances are the real Avery Brooks, and the stolid, restrained, level-headed Sisko is the character that Avery Brooks uses his formidable acting skills to pretend to be.

      • teft
        7 months ago

        It’s the strike episode. “Bar Association” Sisko threatens him with charging rent if the strike doesn’t end soon.

        • e_t_
          67 months ago

          I think Sisko’s threat is to start collecting rent Quark technically always owed but that Sisko had chosen to overlook because of the benefits the bar brings to the promenade, especially in the immediate aftermath of the Cardassian withdrawal.

    • R0cket_M00se
      37 months ago

      It was because they’d given him the supplies he needed to restart the bar after the FCA revoked his business license. So they were threatening to take back the equipment and start charging him rent again if he continued to do arms deals on the station.