As strange as it may seem, I hate my accent and want to speak like an American because I think it sounds cooler and more like how I want to sound.

I’ve more or less perfected my version of an American accent on my own, I think.

But whenever I’m with other people who know me, I revert back to my old accent instinctively because that’s how they know me to sound like. I’m unsure about how I can subtly transition without them noticing a sudden change, such as through gradual exposure to my accent changing more each time they hear it. That way I could argue that I don’t know how it happened and it was a slow progression if they eventually realise it’s different, rather than something forced that I started doing one day.

The biggest thing I think is changing the pronunciation of certain words with “a”, such as going from “fahst” to “faast” for the word ‘fast’, or “mahsk” to “maask” for ‘mask’. Because it’s really one or the other, there’s no in-between. I feel like for most other sounds, a gradual transition into more American sounds can be possible, but that one’s like, how can I make the plunge and will people notice it straight away and think it’s weird?

    6110 months ago

    Pretend to fall and hit your head some night out with friends. Not enough for them to force you to stay up and get a cat scan, but just enough. Just enough to leave some doubt. Then start talking American the next day

      3510 months ago

      Good idea, that way, if your mates try to get you to go for the scan, you can baffle them by announcing that you “Can’t afford it” 😂

      • @Cinner@lemmy.worldB
        210 months ago

        As an American this is GOLD and has me gutturally laughing as I stare at my $2,175/month bottle of pills.

      10 months ago

      Even better, find someone who talks in an American accent who wants to speak in your old accent.

      Agree to bump into each other hard in front of your friends, when you get up, switch accents.

      Alternative, celebrate your birthday together and each can wish for the others accent.