Why this renewed assault? “Obamacare Sucks!!!” declared the former and possibly future president. For those offended by the language, these are Trump’s own words, and I think I owe it to my readers to report what he actually said, not sanitize it. Trump also promised to provide “MUCH BETTER HEALTHCARE” without offering any specifics.

So let’s discuss substance here. Does Obamacare, in fact, suck? And can we believe Trump’s promise to offer something much better?

  • originalucifer
    95 months ago

    anything would be better healthcare. other than the 1 piece of legislation forcing insurance companies to insure sick people, ‘obamacare’ is a love letter to insurance companies.

    fucking insurance is not fucking healthcare

    • @Dagwood222@lemm.ee
      155 months ago

      Obama called it a ‘starter house.’ Remember, Obama had both Houses in 2009-2010 and the ACA barely squeaked through.

      Conservatives have been poisoning the well on healthcare longer than you’ve been alive.

      • BarqsHasBite
        75 months ago

        Conservatives have been poisoning the well on healthcare longer than you’ve been alive.

        Frame Canada: Wendell Potter spent decades scaring Americans. About Canada. He worked for the health insurance industry, and he knew that if Americans understood Canadian-style health care, they might… like it. So he helped deploy an industry playbook for protecting the health insurance agency. https://www.npr.org/2020/10/19/925354134/frame-canada

        • @Dagwood222@lemm.ee
          35 months ago

          ‘Frame Canada’ made me think you were going to be quoting the ‘South Park’ movie. The actual truth is much stupider.

        • @Dagwood222@lemm.ee
          65 months ago

          The ‘socialized medicine’ we’re talking about here was Medicare. The album came out in 1961, and by 1980 Reagan was a huge fan of that program. [By ‘huge fan’ I mean that he was smart enough to know that talking bad about it would cost him votes]

    • While I agree with you I’m many ways, the fact is my kid with lifelong genetic disorder has had two major surgeries paid for by marketplace insurance with no trouble at all and without pages and pages of medical history we used to have to fill out every time we changed jobs or renewed, which insurance company’s could and often did use not only to avoid paying for pre existing things, but also to try to deny any claim or even kick people off insurance for filling out the form wrong.

      That one piece was hard won and worth a lot in my opinion, and I don’t trust Trump to mess with it. The guy is gonna be bankrupt, why does anyone think he’ll be doing anything other than selling the country for cash?

      • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        I think it’s a lot like FDR when he wanted universal healthcare.

        Moderate Dems and Republicans united despite Dems holding the majority, and forced Social Security to just be for the elderly and those with seriously debilitating health issues.

        With the promise to FDR that it would be expanded later into universal healthcare.

        Literally the same thing that happened with Obamacare.

        Lots of people dont like waiting 3 generations to see that kind of incremental improvement though. Especially when there’s no logical reason not to just give it to everyone

    • Kalkaline
      95 months ago

      We could go back to not insuring people for pre-existing conditions. Obamacare isn’t the be all end all of healthcare, and it could certainly be better, but it’s not getting better under Trump.

      • Rhaedas
        65 months ago

        If it was up to insurance companies, they’d classify “being born” as a pre-existing condition. That parameter is just there to protect their assets from the “greedy” sick people who file claims, and they’ll push that line of what is and isn’t covered as far back as they can. Don’t give them the line to move.

    • spaceghotiOP
      65 months ago

      Insurance is not healthcare. But we live in late stage capitalism, and without insurance there is no access to healthcare at all. Obamacare took care of some of the more egregious problems we were dealing with, but it was clearly not the final solution.

      So who thinks that Trump, or indeed any Republican can be trusted to come up with anything better?

      • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
        15 months ago

        So who thinks that Trump, or indeed any Republican can be trusted to come up with anything better?

        Is there any criticism of the corporate wing of the party that won’t be immediately met with a veiled (or not so veiled) accusation that the person doing the criticism is a Trump supporter?

        • spaceghotiOP
          25 months ago

          Since I didn’t say that here, I can confidently say “yes.”

            • spaceghotiOP
              25 months ago

              You can try to pick a fight if you want. Just don’t expect me to do more than roll my eyes at you and dismiss you as the child you’ve continued to be.