Why this renewed assault? “Obamacare Sucks!!!” declared the former and possibly future president. For those offended by the language, these are Trump’s own words, and I think I owe it to my readers to report what he actually said, not sanitize it. Trump also promised to provide “MUCH BETTER HEALTHCARE” without offering any specifics.

So let’s discuss substance here. Does Obamacare, in fact, suck? And can we believe Trump’s promise to offer something much better?

  • @Anamnesis@lemmy.world
    645 months ago

    Obamacare does suck. It’s a shitty half measure that leaves thousands to die from lack of health insurance every year and costs us a ton of money that goes straight to middle men that provide no health care.

    It’s better than what we had before. But we need universal healthcare.

      • Goku
        5 months ago

        We need healthcare reform. Trump is not equipped for this job, however.

        Also he is not capable of appointing someone to work for him who is equipped for this job.

        • @MechanicalJester@lemm.ee
          25 months ago


          Medical billing is a pachinko game that provides no health benefits. I’ve overseen things and had things like medicaid/medicare billing mapped out and it’s terrifyingly stupid. It makes our tax laws look rather simple.

          We can’t even trust cost plus models because of the for profit games like:

          Hey we need 1000 bandaids at the hospital. Ok, how about 1000 for $100 bulk? Uh…no we need special ones. Um okay how about 1000 individually packaged bandaids hand prepared atop Mt Olympus by golden haired virgins during intense thunderstorms for 1000 bucks each? Perfect!

          Because they have to defend only making cost plus a fixed percentage of profit so better to make 15k than 15 bucks. Jackassery

          I’m not against financial rewards for superior products but there’s nothing like that in healthcare here. Financial incentives for better outcomes might be good, but instead every incentive begs for bad things.

          Trump promised a plan, teased it constantly, never released one. No plan except getting rid of Obamacare.

  • @the_q@lemmy.world
    605 months ago

    Because Obama made fun of him. That’s the reason he ran for president in the first place.

    Thanks, Obama.

  • @Dagwood222@lemm.ee
    445 months ago

    The GOP has been talking ‘repeal and replace’ the ACA since the day it was passed. Over a decade and they are still trying to come up with a better plan.

    • @PunnyName@lemmy.world
      405 months ago

      They aren’t trying to replace. They’re trying to kill. If it has Obama’s name anywhere near it (or anything Democrats do), they want it to die. Including Obama himself.

      • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
        185 months ago

        Just like Social Security, they were worried about having the problem of a good example of yet another government service that people like. It doesn’t matter if it is overwhelmingly popular, they want to kill it.

    • BarqsHasBite
      125 months ago

      They 1) think free market is better by definition and 2) don’t believe in social programs. So they don’t need to replace, just repeal.

      • @logicbomb@lemmy.world
        195 months ago

        They 1) think free market is better by definition

        They may pretend that they think that. Some small few may even think that they think that. But they don’t actually think that.

        The easiest way to see what people believe is to observe their actions.

        Republicans are absolutely fine with handing out big juicy government contracts to a select few contractors, for example, instead of letting the market decide.

        Republicans are absolutely fine with banning books from libraries instead of letting the market decide.

        Republicans are absolutely fine with starting a trade war with China, instead of letting the market decide.

        Republicans are absolutely fine with banning women’s access to medical care, instead of letting the market decide.

        Republicans are absolutely fine with interfering with the free market and giving tons of cash to large corporations.

        No, Republicans do not think free market is better by definition. They simply lie and say that when the alternative is to admit that their policy is rooted in bigotry.

          • @pelespirit@sh.itjust.works
            35 months ago

            There’s a lot to unpack in that statement.

            • We’re talking about the GOP in general
            • We’re also not talking about veterans because they get way less benefits once they’re out of the military
            • It’s not just healthcare, but college and housing
            • I’m also inferring that it’s a social program for the military complex
            • BarqsHasBite
              5 months ago

              Point is they don’t give two shits about the people in the military. Use and discard. But they like the concept of a military because rah rah USA USA we can win wars. Not because it can be argued as a social program, that part they can do without.

              • @pelespirit@sh.itjust.works
                15 months ago

                Again, I’m inferring that the social program is for the military weapons manufacturers because they get a shit ton of money and it helps the economy…

                • BarqsHasBite
                  15 months ago

                  Military spending doesn’t help the economy, it hurts the economy. Look up peace dividend.

      • Maeve
        45 months ago

        How’s that working out in Texas this winter coming?

        • BarqsHasBite
          95 months ago

          I couldn’t believe when that storm happened and some Republican (Texan I think) got on TV and says “what are you the people doing to solve this?” They bought hard into private market solves everything.

          • Flying Squid
            35 months ago

            They also blamed wind and solar for the problem, as if the grid totally relied on them.

    • @frezik@midwest.social
      65 months ago

      Which they can’t, because it’s already the most conservative plan that had any chance of working. It doesn’t even work well, it just had some kind of chance.

      • @Dagwood222@lemm.ee
        15 months ago

        Apparently, Obama himself told Trump that he, Obama, would not call Trump out if he decided to label it ‘Trumpcare.’ All Donnie had to do was change a few lines in the ACA and then declare victory! He could have plastered his face all over the site and made plenty of his voters happy. No one hates Trump’s voters more than Trump.

  • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
    375 months ago

    Because it doesn’t have his name on it. He’s made a career of slapping his name on things other people created.

    • @lando55@lemmy.world
      65 months ago

      I remember him doing everything in his power to not have his name attached to the proposed ACA replacement, which is really saying something

  • RubberStuntBaby
    5 months ago

    Trump, and Republicans in general, love destroying anything Obama did or cares about.

    Remember though that Trump often says things just because they make his crowds cheer. Also, although he had almost 5 years he never even managed to release an outline of a plan, though I do think they are preparing much more for a second term.

  • @agitatedpotato@lemmy.world
    215 months ago

    Donald Trump has an inferiority complex to Obama and I’d wager its emboldened by his racism. This was kind of a big feature of his presidency, he showed the desire and capacity to un-obama everything he could.

  • @cyd@lemmy.world
    185 months ago

    Same reason he wants a 1980s style trade war against Japan. He doesn’t think much about issues, so once he decides a soundbite is a good one, he’ll use it for decades.

  • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    175 months ago

    This is why “compromise” is a shit strategy when dealing with Republicans, even if it works.

    We got a more conservative plan than what Mitt Romeny had drawn up, and now we’ve got “moderate” Dems who agree with Republicans that it went too far.

    If Mitt Romeny had won, we’d unironically be in a better position with healthcare. Because Republicans would have seen the boost from Romney doing it, and wouldnt blindly oppose anything better.

    And even the “moderate” Dems would have to support improvements, because they’re always just to the left of Republicans. But never further to the right

    But since Obama was president at the time, it might be decades till we get something better.

    • @Pronell@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Problem is here than Romney did NOT draw up “Romneycare” and even vetoed eight sections of the bill, even though all of those vetoes were eventually overridden by the Legislature.

    • @OldWoodFrame@lemm.ee
      165 months ago

      Wild take. If Romney was president they would have just ignored health care as an issue like Bush had just done for 8 years.

    • BarqsHasBite
      65 months ago

      Interesting take. Are we sure that Romney would press on healthcare?

    • FuglyDuck
      65 months ago

      And employers. Keep in mind if you can’t afford healthcare without a job paying for it… the. You have to work, and they use that to keep you in line,

      And they take it out of your earnings, so, they’re still not loosing anything

  • @EatYouWell@lemmy.world
    105 months ago

    He wants to repeal it because it’s an easy method of getting his base riled up, because they hate (are afraid of) black people.

    Simple as that.

  • @Fedizen@lemmy.world
    5 months ago
    1. The ACA does suck, but it sucks less than pre-existing conditions
    2. Trumps record with NAFTA is probably a good template. Made the deal sweeter for tech bro companies and as part of the deal settled on very narrow improvement in labor standards because canada insisted on it.
    3. We can probably expect he would rename the ACA into like trumpcare or something and add some boondoggles for insurers. Maybe dismantle medicare.
    • @Zink@programming.dev
      15 months ago

      If he were to get reelected, Congress should pass a bill renaming Obamacare to Trumpcare before Inauguration Day. It’s so stupid it might just work.

      Hopefully instead he’s just grumbling about the world in jail by then, but we’ll see.

  • originalucifer
    95 months ago

    anything would be better healthcare. other than the 1 piece of legislation forcing insurance companies to insure sick people, ‘obamacare’ is a love letter to insurance companies.

    fucking insurance is not fucking healthcare

    • @Dagwood222@lemm.ee
      155 months ago

      Obama called it a ‘starter house.’ Remember, Obama had both Houses in 2009-2010 and the ACA barely squeaked through.

      Conservatives have been poisoning the well on healthcare longer than you’ve been alive.

      • BarqsHasBite
        75 months ago

        Conservatives have been poisoning the well on healthcare longer than you’ve been alive.

        Frame Canada: Wendell Potter spent decades scaring Americans. About Canada. He worked for the health insurance industry, and he knew that if Americans understood Canadian-style health care, they might… like it. So he helped deploy an industry playbook for protecting the health insurance agency. https://www.npr.org/2020/10/19/925354134/frame-canada

        • @Dagwood222@lemm.ee
          35 months ago

          ‘Frame Canada’ made me think you were going to be quoting the ‘South Park’ movie. The actual truth is much stupider.

        • @Dagwood222@lemm.ee
          65 months ago

          The ‘socialized medicine’ we’re talking about here was Medicare. The album came out in 1961, and by 1980 Reagan was a huge fan of that program. [By ‘huge fan’ I mean that he was smart enough to know that talking bad about it would cost him votes]

    • While I agree with you I’m many ways, the fact is my kid with lifelong genetic disorder has had two major surgeries paid for by marketplace insurance with no trouble at all and without pages and pages of medical history we used to have to fill out every time we changed jobs or renewed, which insurance company’s could and often did use not only to avoid paying for pre existing things, but also to try to deny any claim or even kick people off insurance for filling out the form wrong.

      That one piece was hard won and worth a lot in my opinion, and I don’t trust Trump to mess with it. The guy is gonna be bankrupt, why does anyone think he’ll be doing anything other than selling the country for cash?

      • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        I think it’s a lot like FDR when he wanted universal healthcare.

        Moderate Dems and Republicans united despite Dems holding the majority, and forced Social Security to just be for the elderly and those with seriously debilitating health issues.

        With the promise to FDR that it would be expanded later into universal healthcare.

        Literally the same thing that happened with Obamacare.

        Lots of people dont like waiting 3 generations to see that kind of incremental improvement though. Especially when there’s no logical reason not to just give it to everyone

    • Kalkaline
      95 months ago

      We could go back to not insuring people for pre-existing conditions. Obamacare isn’t the be all end all of healthcare, and it could certainly be better, but it’s not getting better under Trump.

      • Rhaedas
        65 months ago

        If it was up to insurance companies, they’d classify “being born” as a pre-existing condition. That parameter is just there to protect their assets from the “greedy” sick people who file claims, and they’ll push that line of what is and isn’t covered as far back as they can. Don’t give them the line to move.

    • spaceghotiOP
      65 months ago

      Insurance is not healthcare. But we live in late stage capitalism, and without insurance there is no access to healthcare at all. Obamacare took care of some of the more egregious problems we were dealing with, but it was clearly not the final solution.

      So who thinks that Trump, or indeed any Republican can be trusted to come up with anything better?

      • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
        15 months ago

        So who thinks that Trump, or indeed any Republican can be trusted to come up with anything better?

        Is there any criticism of the corporate wing of the party that won’t be immediately met with a veiled (or not so veiled) accusation that the person doing the criticism is a Trump supporter?

        • spaceghotiOP
          25 months ago

          Since I didn’t say that here, I can confidently say “yes.”

            • spaceghotiOP
              25 months ago

              You can try to pick a fight if you want. Just don’t expect me to do more than roll my eyes at you and dismiss you as the child you’ve continued to be.

  • ArugulaZ
    95 months ago

    Because he never gave us a health care plan and knowing Obama did it (using a blueprint from his other enemy, Mitt Romney) makes his pee-pee feel small.

    • GodlessCommie
      35 months ago

      Obamacare has its origins with the Heritage Foundation, which is the same plan Romney used.

  • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Cuz Obama is a Blah and also made fun of little donnie at the correspondent’s dinner and he haz a sad about that ever since. Also explains why little donnie is a birther, too.

  • @Heikki@lemm.ee
    85 months ago

    Like everything, he dislikes Obama a lot. He needs to blow up something kind of good. Then, “replace” it with something better that is always 2 weeks out from sharing. I’m pretty sure it’ll be called “Trump Cares, He Really Doesn’t Care”