To dismantle that decision, Justice Alito and others had to push hard, the records and interviews show. Some steps, like his apparent selective preview of the draft opinion, were time-honored ones. But in overturning Roe, the court set aside more than precedent: It tested the boundaries of how cases are decided.

  • Blackbeard
    3910 months ago

    This story is as fascinating as it is dark. At every step of the way, Alito abandoned all pretense and smashed through guardrails, because he knew that he would only get what he wanted if he did it quickly and in a way that limited his colleagues’ ability to find a middle ground compromise. Alito was willing to burn the legitimacy of the Court to the ground to get what he wanted all along, and because of that I hope hell exists so he can burn there for eternity. The blood of women is on his hands, and I hope the horror stories that have come out over the past year keep him and everyone in his extended family awake in a cold sweat. Fuck him.

    • Cranakis
      2410 months ago

      Fuck them all. This episode highlights what an absolute sham SCOUTS has become. I’ve lost all trust in the courts. It’s just more political bullshit. There is no “justice,” just a bunch of religious assholes forcing the rest of us to follow their backwards ass rules.

      Let’s also not forget Darth McConnell’s role in all of this. Straight up stole a supreme Court pick from Obama. This court is illegitimate.