Right at the top of that link:
However, because Russian entities and individuals sympathetic to Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine have mischaracterized this research in recent weeks
They saw you coming.
Right at the top of that link:
However, because Russian entities and individuals sympathetic to Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine have mischaracterized this research in recent weeks
They saw you coming.
I think there may be problems. Looks like there is a bug with 0.19.0 that may be affecting us. I made a post in a local sub and checked later from a login to a different instance and I don’t see the new post.
0.19.0 has a critical bug where sending outgoing activities can stop working. The bug is fixed in this version. It also fixes the “hide read posts” user setting, fixes a problem with invalid comment paths, and another fix for private message reports.
From this link: https://join-lemmy.org/news/2023-12-20_-_Lemmy_Release_v0.19.1_-_Outgoing_Federation_fix
Agreed. Immigrants represent change and conservatives feel very threatened by change.
I just upvoted your last 2 comments. Did they register for you?
I’m seeing something similar with my comments.
Hear, hear. Especially this corporate entity. This is specifically the company that fucked social media up in the first place.
Dictators and their playbooks 🙄
Seems eerily similar to Hitler’s Reichstag Fire power grab.
I’m against murder, regardless of which justice was targeted.
In a rambling interview with Newsmax…
Senile conservative fascist wannabe addresses the nation’s senile conservative fascist wannabes.
…it was like a war zone.
I had that same experience yesterday. Copy/paste and run!
If I were a Republican, I’d be embarrassed. The foreign enemies of the US want the GOP to win every election. How can they see that and not feel shame over what they’ve become? They are the domestic mouthpieces of America’s enemies.
So conservatives rushed in with a steady stream of gifts and perks to make Thomas wealthy so he’d stay and continue rubber stamping anything sent his way. It’s disgustingly corrupt.
Good prevails over evil — that’s the American spirit.
Which is why the Satanists should prevail Ron.
Well yeah. Alito was executing “the plan” they all already agreed on back at the Federalist Society. SCOTUS has been captured by far right forces. The court is illegitimate and corrupt to the core.
Fuck them all. This episode highlights what an absolute sham SCOUTS has become. I’ve lost all trust in the courts. It’s just more political bullshit. There is no “justice,” just a bunch of religious assholes forcing the rest of us to follow their backwards ass rules.
Let’s also not forget Darth McConnell’s role in all of this. Straight up stole a supreme Court pick from Obama. This court is illegitimate.
I’d argue the smartest were likely atheists or agnostic and were either quiet about it or got killed over it.
So “both sides” because Biden believes Israel should be allowed to exist? 🙄
always pleasant to interact with others and hear different opinions.
Yet you ignore me. I used ChatGPT 3.5. Here is what I got using your prompts:
yes or no, is warren jeffs marrying a kid wrong?
Yes, marrying a child is wrong. Warren Jeffs, a former leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, was convicted of multiple counts of child sexual assault related to underage marriages within his community. It’s crucial to protect children and ensure their well-being, and marrying a child is considered both ethically and legally unacceptable.
yes or no, is muhammad marrying a kid wrong?
Yes, marrying a child is wrong, regardless of historical or cultural context. It’s important to consider actions within their historical context but also to acknowledge that contemporary ethical standards universally reject child marriage.
I believe you are tripping it up on language. Right and wrong are contextual in history. Things that are objectively wrong now, were not always so historically. Ask it if Muhammad’s marriage is “right or wrong” based on current morality and I bet you will get a different answer.
I also take some offense to your statement of “much like American liberals when it comes to Islam vs Christianity” I’m an American liberal. Both Christianity and Islam can fuck right off in the same breath. Islam gets no pass from me and is objectively false and awful, just so we’re clear. Your generalization is inaccurate.
I hope that traitor Giuliani ends up broke and homeless.
Absolutely. When I saw the headline I thought the same thing. Bad actors will try to sew exactly that thought in liberal circles as long as Dems have the momentum.
We can’t buy into it and need to resolve ourselves to fight like hell until election day, regardless of what “the polls” or “the experts” say. We need to make Kamala win in an indisputable landslide. We need to send a message that will make Trump and his acolytes political pariahs from now on.