Saturday! Comedown Day!
Big Breakfast Day! Berocca Day!
Love you all being you Day!
You Do You Day!

Edit: RIP 3rd Party Reddit Apps. You weathered that capitalist hellscape with grace and fortitude. We will never forget all that you stood for. 💜

    101 year ago

    I’m in my 40s, and I’ve helped out with the local kids’ soccer thing on Friday afternoons after school and various other things. Teenage girls think I’m great – I guess I give off a “cool dad” vibe or something. But teenage girls are incredibly annoying. I can’t even imagine actively seeking them out.

      31 year ago

      Yeah… I just cannot imagine wanting to do ANYTHING with people under the age of 18. Like I get that for a lot of predators it is about power, but you’re 27 hanging out with a 16 y/o, that’s fuckin’ loser behaviour mate. Sure the 16 y/o might think you’re cool because you’ve got a car and you can drink alcohol. But 27 and deciding that people your own age can’t wise up to your tricks, so you choose to hang out with teenagers? Gross.