“It’s almost a cruel joke on the electorate that the longest presidential election potentially ever might also be the one that they’re least excited about,” said one Democratic pollster, speaking anonymously to candidly discuss the race.

  • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
    35 months ago

    I am not saying he’s a Communist, rather, I’m saying he’s not really a Socialist and just a Social Democrat, like Sweden.

    • El Barto
      25 months ago

      I understand what you meant, then. Apologies, I’m an ignorant in terms of those types of definitions. When I read:

      Sanders is more SocDem by policy, but I think any reasonable Socialist is a Communist as well, [etc]

      I thought “being a SocDem” and “being a Socialist” were the same thing.

      • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
        25 months ago

        It’s an easy and common misconception! Social Democrats believe in Capitalism with strong safety nets, while Democratic Socialists believe in Socialism as the form of economic structure instead of Capitalism.