• @jeffw@lemmy.worldM
    7 months ago

    Most healthcare systems in the US are non-profits. To run a non-profit, you still need revenue to operate no matter where you are or what you do. They have to pay their own bills just like anyone else.

    Bring on the downvotes. Then go ahead and take all of your local hospital’s funding and see what happens.

    Edit: maybe people misunderstood my point? People are replying and saying that profit shouldn’t be part of healthcare. Yes, but that doesn’t solve the problem of funding. Every hospital gets money. Pick your favorite country, the hospital still gets money.

    • @skulblaka@startrek.website
      257 months ago

      Yeah that’s not what it’s about at all. Hospitals need funding. Hospitals do not need a profit motive. Remove the profit motive and socialize the costs of healthcare. Just like every civilized country does it.

      • @jeffw@lemmy.worldM
        7 months ago

        You say I’m wrong and then you go on to reiterate my exact point about money. Hospitals require funding and they are funded in every developed nation. Nonprofits do not have a profit motive. They argue with your insurance company for more money, just like every other developed nation, regardless of whether it is directly single payer or a system like Germany or Japan, which largely rely on private companies.

        • @jpreston2005@lemmy.world
          57 months ago

          you’re arguing for profit to remain a focus within the healthcare industry. That’s anti-people, and why everyone is downvoting you. Everyone knows a hospital requires funding, we just want our tax dollars to pay it.

          • @jeffw@lemmy.worldM
            7 months ago

            You’re putting words in my mouth. I never said that. I said anything needs money to run, even a nationalized system or a single payer system.

        • the post of tom joad
          57 months ago

          The short answer is no. You may stop reading now as the next sentence is similar to the last one.

          If it wasn’t clear to you, I’m busy dismissing your opinion as uninformed and without merit. It is clearly, objectively wrong, and the idea that you deserve a voice in this discussion with the level of information you own currently? Patently ridiculous.

          Your sense of self worth would be admirable is it weren’t so misplaced.

          • @jeffw@lemmy.worldM
            37 months ago

            It’s wrong that hospitals need money to operate? Bud, I got a master’s in this… which hospital are you aware of that doesn’t pay for electricity or pay its providers with money? Talk about patently ridiculous.

              • @jeffw@lemmy.worldM
                27 months ago

                Healthcare administration. Why did you dodge my question? Where do hospitals not pay for their electricity or pay their workers money?

                • the post of tom joad
                  7 months ago

                  Healthcare administration

                  Holy shit dude.


                  If you are an intelligent human being, as i assume you are despite your ridiculous opinion, (and despite your ridiculous joke of a degree), can you step outside what you’ve been taught, rise above my provocations, and explain why, objectively a reasonable human being shouldn’t be skeptical of the opinion of some person whose existence depends on their being right? A goddamn hospital admin degree? Foreal?

                  Why Not ask the ceo of kellogs what we should eat for dinner?

                  Im not gonna ignore you like i do most of the shitbirds who argue by insinuating and suggesting intelligence rather than replying first with a cogent, interesting proof of economic understanding. I actually can’t wait to hear what you’ve got to tell me. I think it’s going to be entertaining. I also think you should actually cut your losses and use your degree to understand that you’re in over your head, but i suspect they this conversation that kinna smarts isn’t taught in college anymore.

                  • @jeffw@lemmy.worldM
                    7 months ago

                    Wow that’s a lot of words to say you can’t think of how to run a hospital without paying people.

                    And I agree, the fact that you need a master’s to understand how a healthcare organization runs is absurd, but that’s the state of things in the USA (to be clear, the MHA is my secondary master’s, but it’s the field I ended up in). However, my existence doesn’t depend on anything. If we were nationalized, I’d still have my job, just like the janitors or the administrators everywhere else in the world. You can’t just run a medical practice with a doctor and no other staff. I’m sure you’re creative enough to think through this and understand that maintaining a building, checking people in, running computer systems, etc. requires more than just a doctor.

                    To add to this, I could make more money doing a very similar job at a random company. Take Kellogg’s as an example. But I don’t, because I like working with patients and providers. But keep on assuming I’m an asshole because I work in healthcare and I’m not a clinical staff.

                    Now, back to my original point, which I’m really fascinated to hear the answer to. Since you seem to argue that I can’t pay my docs, janitors, nurses, or utility bills, how do I keep things open? Even a nationalized system pays salaries. A healthcare system needs money, unless you’re in a society that doesn’t rely on money.

              • @jeffw@lemmy.worldM
                17 months ago

                Apologies in advance, my app doesn’t seem to want to show me what context this is in, so I might be off base in my reply, but yeah, that’s a good solution. The problem is that in the USA, if you raise taxes by .0001% people throw temper tantrums. They’d rather pay out the ass for private insurance. I know people on Lemmy don’t feel that way, but that’s how Americans are.