• Gabe Bell
    34 months ago

    Should I also tell that to all the people who voted Democrat and lost their right to abortion because every Democrat failed to pass a Federal abortion law in forty years because it didn’t serve their own interests to do so?

    Should I also tell that to all the people who voted Democrat and might lose their right to same-sex marriage because every Democrat as so far failed to pass a federal same-sex marriage law because it didn’t serve their own interests to do so?

    Do you want me to carry on about how corrupt the Democrats are? About how – when it comes down to it – they failed the people just as badly as the Republicans have?

    Besides, I live in the UK and frankly don’t give a shit about the clusterfuck that the American clownshow of politics is. We have our own problems.

    • @GoodbyeBlueMonday@startrek.website
      34 months ago

      I agree with you in boiling it down to: Democrats have failed the people because they haven’t done enough good things, while Republicans have failed the people by actively doing terrible things.

      So my conclusion is that yes, both parties have done terrible things, and I agree that Democrats haven’t gone far enough on most issues I care about, but the GOP is actively going against the things I care about.

      It’s an easy decision at the ballot box, and it is an easy decision for me to do more than simply vote. Voting is the lowest bar for participation in a democracy.

    • @Cryophilia@lemmy.world
      34 months ago

      Besides, I live in the UK and frankly don’t give a shit about the clusterfuck that the American clownshow of politics is.

      Then why in the flying fuck are you out here giving opinions on something you don’t know about and don’t care about?

      • Gabe Bell
        14 months ago

        Hold on – you think we don’t vote in the UK? We don’t have democracy in the UK?

        Where does the original image mention the USA?

        Where do I mention the USA – aside from this post where do I mention the USA?

        Every time I have referred to voting I have been talking about elections in the UK.

        Fucks’ sake – the entire world doesn’t revolve around your pitiful excuse for a democracy. And given what I’ve read here, most of your country doesn’t give a shit about your pitiful excuse for democracy.

          • Gabe Bell
            14 months ago

            Where does it say that, exactly?

            Point out for me where this image mentions America, American democracy, the American election or anything else about your country?

            I’ll wait.

              • Gabe Bell
                14 months ago

                So from that I am supposed to take what?

                This is an American site, so no Brits allowed?

                Tumblr is an American sub, so no Brits allowed?

                Politics is the domain of America so no Brits allowed?

                Democracy is an invention of America so no Brits allowed?

                The original post was about voting. I expressed a point of view about voting. Sure – I wandered off the topic, but you said – and I quote – the original post was about voting in America. Which it wasn’t – it was about voting.

                And so far I haven’t seen anything to change my point of view about that.

                But I have learned that sea-lions are about as snotty as you are.