I set up a Raspberry Pi 3 with AdguardHome for a friend of mine, and told him to disconnect everything at home and try to watch anything on his phone, being the only device using his home’s internet.

He just sent me this, and now he’s ready to #degoogle 🤣🤣🤣

He says there were hundreds in less than 5 minutes.

      • @scratchandgame@lemmy.ml
        Tiếng Việt
        7 months ago

        Getting to the level of a kernel dev, you will have a different look on “degoogling”, and even “android”.

        • youmaynotknowOP
          47 months ago

          OK, thanks. I am actually trying to get my feet wet in basic programming (starting a course on Rust), and most of the terms I’m seeing are alien to me. I’ve found myself spending a lot of time looking for definitions and such. Any suggestions? I’d appreciate any pointers for a smooth-ish start.

          • @dev_null@lemmy.ml
            57 months ago

            Keep with Rust, don’t listen to the guy suggesting C. In fact Rust is starting to be used in the Linux kernel if for some reason you ever wanted to do that.

            • @scratchandgame@lemmy.ml
              Tiếng Việt
              7 months ago

              Big language which is not yet considered to be “powerful” enough by the guy who rewrites the whole kernel in C++. Slow compile time, high memory usage.

              C is a small language and it is as powerful as assembly.

              But learning any programming language can still get your mind up.

              • @dev_null@lemmy.ml
                17 months ago

                Yes, and the guy wants to learn to programming and, for whatever reason, went with Rust. C is a bad choice for a first language, they will likely not enjoy it and quit. With Rust they have a fighting chance.

                • @scratchandgame@lemmy.ml
                  Tiếng Việt
                  17 months ago

                  Yes, and the guy wants to learn to programming and, for whatever reason, went with Rust.


                  C is a bad choice for a first language, they will likely not enjoy it and quit. With Rust they have a fighting chance.


          • @scratchandgame@lemmy.ml
            Tiếng Việt
            37 months ago

            Programming is like solving math, I think?

            If I were you, I’d learn C instead. Rust is not used (much) on low level development. Currently C is not replaceable.

            I’ve heard the authors of C said: “C is not a big language, and it is not well served by a big book”. But it is so powerful, simple, and fast.

            You already have a course on Rust, for “basic programming”, so keep going on the course for a while. Learning any programming language can make your mind. And it is a course, so I’d expect the authors of the course to familiarize you with definitions.

            • youmaynotknowOP
              17 months ago

              Yeah, its been pretty basic the first week. Lots of definitions like “object oriented”, “compiling” and such. I never thought of C. I was going to jump on Java first, but Rust has a very good rap as far as I’ve seen along devs, which is why I went with that instead. Goes to show how ignorant I am on the subject. Thanks a lot, really.

          • @Cwilliams@beehaw.org
            27 months ago

            For rust specifically, I recommend checking out NoBoilerplate on YouTube. His videos are short, sweet and to the point, and they make you feel better about the progress you’re making. Also, LetsGetRusty is nice for when you are first going through the Rust Book, because he explains everything with examples

            • youmaynotknowOP
              17 months ago

              Awesome. Thanks so much for the tip. I subscribed just now (over Grayjay, of course, he he).