Setting aside the usual arguments on the anti- and pro-AI art debate and the nature of creativity itself, perhaps the negative reaction that the Redditor encountered is part of a sea change in opinion among many people that think corporate AI platforms are exploitive and extractive in nature because their datasets rely on copyrighted material without the original artists’ permission. And that’s without getting into AI’s negative drag on the environment.

    43 months ago

    This just in: thieves realize law means that they aren’t supposed to steal, theft rate collapse to 0%.

    Also those signs at school campuses saying they are a “no gun zone” means school shootings are officially a thing of the past. Phew, why didn’t we think of this earlier?

      143 months ago

      This just in, local dumbass forgets that the point of it being a law is to throw assholes who do it anyways in jail for being the assholes they are!