Just about to finish TNG Season 2, I only watched the odd episode on television in the 90’s and ST: Enterprise is the only complete series I have binged.

So I saw Measure of a Man which was great, in addition to that one, what episodes should I look forward to?

  • @FallGuy217
    41 year ago

    There are so many great episodes spread throughout the series! Season 6 is my personal favorite with episodes like the Chain of Command two parter, Relics, Frame of Mind, and Tapestry. Along with some some of my favorite sillier episodes like Rascals and Fistful of Datas.

    • Xariphon
      21 year ago

      Rascals is actually really problematic. A friend of mine wrote a solid analysis of why a while back; I can try n find it if anyone wants it.