Reddit isn’t profitable, despite having more than 50 million daily active users. In preparation for an IPO, CEO Steve Huffman put the platform’s API

    141 year ago

    If you need to make your app profitable that’s fine by me, but don’t ignore your customers so bluntly.

    Reddit acted that way because they value their advertising customers more than users paying for Reddit gold and awards, NFTs and merchandise.

    They don’t value the 3rd party developers as they can’t collect as much data from the users on them nor serve them adverts. They also don’t value their users that provide them with content.

      61 year ago

      Which is incredibly stupid and shortsighted. Third party developers have made the UX actually tolerable, and of course the users are the absolute cornerstone of the whole website

        41 year ago

        Agreed but that’s unfortunate the reality in surveillance capitalism.

        They thought they could do a similar thing as twitter in banning 3rd parties but failed to understand that their moderators and power users that contribute the majority of the content rely exclusively on the 3rd party apps.