• CrimeDad
    71 year ago

    How do you subscribe or follow a lemmy community from Mastodon?

    • @Millie@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      I’m doing it with Calckey myself, but Communities basically act like users. You can search and follow them. You’ll get to see posts in that community in your feed, and you can make top-level comments and reply to direct replies on your own comments, but if you want to see comments that aren’t responding to you you’ll have to switch over to Lemmy.

      I basically just browse my own Calckey front page now and then when I see a Lemmy thread that looks interesting I open it in Lemm.ee or Blahaj.zone.

      On Calckey you just search for @NAME@INSTANCE, whether the name is a community or an individual you’ll be able to follow them!

      Edit: I made a little VIA macro, so now I’ve got a hotkey that grabs the link in my current clipboard and searches it in lemm.ee. Made it a lot easier!

      Updated this so that I can open a new tab and then press it, swapping to the other tab and taking the url from there. That way I don’t interrupt my scrolling. Much nicer.


    • ScaphandritonOP
      21 year ago

      @Kurt You can follow a Lemmy community from Mastodon by searching for the lemmy community in the research bar and following the account of the community (it appears as an account). For example, if you want to follow asklemmy community, you need to follow its account from Mastodon, as a regular mastodon account. All posts from the community (threads and answers) are boosted by the account of the community. However, it quickly becomes difficult to use in feeds, that’s why I asked this question.