My right arm is completly numb and I panic out of my bed sometimes. The reason is that I fall asleep on my shoulder and sometimes it takes a minute til it functions again.

Last night I fell asleep again and woke up and it it took longer than usual to get it back to moving. I started crying and was totally panic mode.

Is this something that can cause long term issues if this happens frequently or should I change the way I sleep? Can I ignore it?

  • @BaroqueInMind
    12 months ago

    Canada’s national defense, GDP, and import/export economies are completely reliant on USA. Living in that shadow should scare Canadians, because if USA decides one day “you know what? Fuck Canada”, there’s literally nothing they can do to defend themselves if the entire might of US military and economic power is imposed. It’s like having an unhinged wealthy gun-nut neighbor living in the flat right next to you.

      • @BaroqueInMind
        12 months ago

        I honestly did not have penis on my mind constantly like you seem to have, but if you asked me, I think the South Koreans have the biggest cocks, rather.

    • Jojo
      22 months ago

      There’s not a lot most people could do if the USA decided to impose the entire might of their military and economic power.

      • @BaroqueInMind
        12 months ago

        Then how did Vietnam and Afghanistan get away with it?

        • Jojo
          12 months ago

          They very much did not have the full attention of the USA? Like, yeah, I get that resources were spent, but the us doesn’t just stop policing the globe because it gets into a side fling with another nation’s oil.

      2 months ago

      With the exception that US military is comprised by many Canadians(Eg NORAD) in a deal that they don’t do exactly that. The ‘US’ military will easily be halved by a chunk of it killing the other for even suggesting it.