I know the topic of whether adblock is piracy is debated, but I am guessing there are a lot of adblock users here and I was wondering if anyone has seen the youtube adblock warning message in the wild. I use ublock origin and still haven’t seen it once.

  • @NightOwl
    91 year ago

    All future displays will have built in cameras that start dimming and turn off the screen if it notices you aren’t paying attention. They’ll say it is a power saving feature, but not put in an option to disable it.

          • @NightOwl
            21 year ago

            When it comes in exchange for rocket legs I will concede.

            • @blackluster117@possumpat.io
              21 year ago

              That’s fair, I’ll give you that. Only 80s cyberdeck/Hackers-style dystopia is currently available, and I’m okay with that. More will come, and I’m kind of a retro-head anyway. By the by, I updated my OG comment with a link to the clip I was talking about. Check it out and be horrified!

              • @NightOwl
                21 year ago

                I at least need flying cars and more neon if I can’t have my rocket legs. At the very least real hover boards.