Personally I think not having karma limits is nice currently! I understand why they were used but grinding karma as a lurker on reddit was frustrating.

    • @IDe
      31 year ago

      Oh boy, you’re going to be in for a disappointment

    • Bernie Ecclestoned
      1 year ago

      Are your principles that weak that you can’t even debate them?

      Do we really need safe spaces where our ideas aren’t challenged?

      One of my gripes with Reddit was that subs became circlejerks where any opposing views got downvoted to oblivion so people just left the sub.

      Lemmy may have been made by commies, but the fibre and 5g was built with capitalism.

      • HornyOnMain🏳️‍⚧️
        11 year ago

        yes, i would much rather be among people who don’t actively support the pillaging of the global south and the american war machine, i don’t like being among people who treat my identity as a trans woman as something that should be subject to debate over whether i should be allowed to get gender affirming care. I dont want every second of being online to be focused around debate bro liberals asking me to justify my beliefs to them, if they want to learn i’m willing to talk, if they want to try to do an epic own in the free market place of ideas i don’t really care enough to engage that much, except maybe to mock them.

        i think the redditor influx to lemmy is a good thing, its created an active space for liberals to be taught some class consciousness by committed communists from lemmygrad and hexbear in a space that is controlled by other open marxist leninists. it doesnt mean i have to like the liberals though.

      01 year ago

      Seems like that’s a lost hope points to trans athlete comments above. Mastodon was essentially a leftist space upon creation as well, wasn’t it? I’m new here, but I am hoping that once people catch on to how the fediverse works, they will sort themselves into their “appropriate” instances, or just leave altogether. I do not care about the echo chamber argument, I want my online space to be relatively cozy and not filled with “WeLl AcKtUaLlY” smug centrists.

        1 year ago

        What is the connection between communism and the transgender movement? Is it as simple as there being significant overlap as marginalized groups fighting against the status quo? The interviews for the Marxist instances pointedly asked how I felt about LGBTQ, and now you’re intimating that discussing Trans athletes is indicative of someone being a liberal as opposed to a leftist. I don’t see how someone’s opinion about Trans athletes has anything to do with their opinion about the optimal socioeconomic structure of society.

            01 year ago

            Ok. I’m very sympathetic to trans people and it’s good to hear that you’ve found allies in socialist groups. It doesn’t always show because I tend to rant about big concepts and skip right past the simple things. But I don’t hate you and I appreciate your answer to my question.

          11 year ago

          Trans athlete discourse is an obvious and very tired talking point that is a favorite among transphobes and conservatives. Also I did not mention communism or libs and I’m not interested in engaging in any kind of political discourse without an intersectional lens.

          Maybe the Marxist communities trying to filter people out based upon their views on queer and trans people aren’t meant for you.