GTA has always been for teenagers, edgelords, and angstmeisters so they can feel hardcore while they vent out some of their aggression on game characters. You don’t play gta for the innovative gameplay, you play it to jack cars and enact violence on virtual douchebags. It actually shares a similar function to postal 2 now that I think about it.
GTA has always been for teenagers, edgelords, and angstmeisters so they can feel hardcore while they vent out some of their aggression on game characters. You don’t play gta for the innovative gameplay, you play it to jack cars and enact violence on virtual douchebags. It actually shares a similar function to postal 2 now that I think about it.
People enjoy something I don’t, they must be mentally ill. tips fedora
That may have been the case for GTA3, but everything since has been very heavily story based.
I kind of played Trevor like that though. The odd bit of random cyclist murder just felt right for him.