It’s always bugged me that romulan ale doesn’t behave like an ale in any way
You need better ale, my friend
And it looks like a liqueur.
Looks like that bottle has an empty inner chamber so that the actor does not have to actually chug. The liquid from the outer chamber fills into the inner chamber when it is tipped, thus giving the illusion that the bottle is emptying. Then after the camera cuts to Picard and back, that inner wall has been removed, and you see the actor actually drinking the last of the bottle.
Nice attention to detail… and honestly I’m surprised the show put in any effort to create the illusion.
The guy had to drink it, and it had to look real. I’m glad they didn’t put them through the rigmarole of actually chugging the entire bottle. That was very considerate of them.
Not everyone can be The Liquor.
I was totally gonna call this out earlier, but I thought it was petty. Good and you for noticing, too.
edit: yes, I had to go through my latin translation a few times until I was happy with it. my latin a little rusty, gimme a break.
edit 2: it says: "In times of war, my cup is empty.” It’s a play on words on “Inter Arma Enim Silent Legis” the title of that episode, translating to: “In times of war, the law falls silent,” an ancient warning from Roman Senator and philosopher Cicero
Krunk: Y-y-you can’t prove that I did anything!
Let’s just hope that your meme about lawlessness has nothing whatsoever to do with irl events that may or may not transpire in the future.:-D (except ofc it will, bc that’s how the past works, by repeating itself as a result of people not learning from it:-|)
Too literate for Ten Forward. This place is for “Nightbird” remixes and krunking.
Nah, dictatorships work fine on their own. It’s the opulence that kills them.
Did Julius Caesat fight in the punic wars? Pretty sure those are quite older