I spent most of my gaming days playing the Gamecube and Wii, so I’d say Gamecube is probably the system I have the greatest attachment to. But N64 is definitely a close second!

  • @doughno@burggit.moe
    51 year ago

    Gotta say the PSP even though I only had a Wii as a child. The hardware of the PSP and the homebrew community is just so amazing.

    • DisaOP
      31 year ago

      Do/did you play a lot of homebrew games on your PSP? I’ve not really heard much of the PSP except for this friend I knew who had one and really liked it.

      • @doughno@burggit.moe
        31 year ago

        Mostly emulators. There is a very cool GBA and a very good SNES emu. I beat Megaman X on the PSP, since I liked that controller most. But there are a few interesting games, like a top down Counter Strike clone with local network multi. There was also an app for mirroring a PC to the PSP and using it as a controller on the PC.

        My best memory is making a Snake clone in C as a hobby project. I ended up working more on the menu system than the snake game itself, but it is still one of the most fun projects I ever did. https://youtu.be/TjbF4Io_YAw

        • DisaOP
          21 year ago

          I relate to working on UI more than the core project itself, I have done a lot of things like that. The top-down counterstrike clone sounds really neat! Always love to see what people can end up doing on things like that. Not too surprised that there’s an active emulator community on there. Love people’s persistence to play games on hardware they were never meant to be played on. xD

          I just noticed I answered your points in entirely reverse order. :P

  • i grew up with a pirated PS2, lived in a country with shit economy so i used it to dead for almost 10 years, thanks to that i played all kind of games on it, and most of my favorites are all there. no other console comes even close to it for me.

  • PublicLewdness
    41 year ago


    When I used to have consoles i’d say N64 was my favorite with PS2 being second and Gamecube beibg third. Loved the N64 controller for shooters. Only console that came close to feeling as good as a mouse.

    • DisaOP
      31 year ago

      I never played shooters on N64, but I’ve heard they were pretty fun. Games I always remember on N64 was Donkey Kong 64, Smash Brothers and Mario Kart were the ones I played the most.

  • Yama
    41 year ago

    if pc counts then pc but if strictly game consoles then probably wiiu love the console had so many great games donkey kong country tropical freeze super mario 3d world captain toad treasure tracker not only that but it was backwards compatible with the wii too mario galaxy 2 slapped and so did the skylander series (skylanders is the fucking goat) i absolutely adore the wiiu

  • @nomadic
    1 year ago

    Atari 2600. Nothing comes close to the experience of going from a world without video games existing to them magically appearing in your own lounge room.

    • DisaOP
      31 year ago

      That does sound like it would a truly mind-blowing experience. Did it feel like it all happened like all at once? Or did it feel gradual?

      • @nomadic
        31 year ago

        It was all at once. Suddenly there’s a world inside your tv that you can interact with that you literally never knew could even be possible. Whereas everyone grows up nowadays understanding the concept of video games.

        • DisaOP
          31 year ago

          That’s crazy! Always wished I had experiences like that. You’re kind of lucky to have had such an experience, I don’t think people really have the same sort of experiences anymore. Even though technology is constantly advancing, the leaps all make sense now, everything is kinda like “oh, yeah, I guess you can do that.” Whereas before, I imagine it was more like “Wait, YOU CAN DO THAT?!?!??!?”

  • @Rubbed9433@burggit.moe
    41 year ago

    Nintendo DS. I probably spent the most time on it out of all the Nintendo consoles I own. I have fond and nostalgic memories of playing Pokémon Diamond and Platinum on it.

    • DisaOP
      41 year ago

      I think Playing Pearl and Soul Silver are probably some of my fondest DS Memories, maybe even my fondest handheld memories. Those games were really good, I still go back to them sometimes.

      • Pink Bow
        31 year ago

        I never owned the original, but Shining Pearl was really fun on the Switch. Got to the very last trainer without much trouble at all, and then suddenly she was insanely difficult. I managed to make it to her last Pokemon, but I was bleeding out potions and hardly making a scratch. Afterward, I realized I’d have to rebuild my entire team and level for ages to beat her and so I decided “close enough!”, haha.

        • DisaOP
          31 year ago

          I’d say pearl was my first real Pokémon game. Like, I had some Pokémon games before that, but Pearl was the first main series Pokémon game I actually finished (and then some). Back in the day, back when my online friends and I were too retarded to know of any other platform, we would use Pokémon Pearl as the go-to voice chat platform, before we found out about Skype.

    • DisaOP
      41 year ago

      What games do you play on your steam deck? And what were your main Wii games to play? My main game on Gamecube was Gotcha Force, still probably my all-time favorite game.

      • @anarch3@burggit.moe
        31 year ago

        atm im really enjoying cult of the lamb on my steam deck. On the wii, I loved playing the sports games with my family but alone I had fun with the fire emblem series

        • DisaOP
          31 year ago

          I think I’ve seen people play that game, looks fun, if it’s the game I’m thinking of. That’s where you run a cult, and you have to manage your progressively growing population who poops on the floor, right?

          I’m not huge into fire emblem, but my wife really likes it!~

          • @anarch3@burggit.moe
            31 year ago

            Yee, its pretty forgiving too. I’m playing on the hardest difficulty but nothing is lost when you die so it encourages you to still keep throwing yourself at the dungeons

            • DisaOP
              31 year ago

              That’s good, I like throwing myself all in at things, so that could be a fun game to do that in, while still being relaxing.

  • I always liked the handhelds best because I could lay in bed with them without straining my eyes. I think the 3DS is probably my favorite - I spent a lot of time playing Style Savvy, Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, and Fire Emblem.

  • @awoo@burggit.moe
    31 year ago

    I grew up as a PC gamer but my PSP will always hold a special place in my heart. Such a shame Vita never reached PSP’s level.

    Shoutout to my 3DS as well though it’s more like a dedicated MonHun/Fire Emblem machine for me.

    • DisaOP
      21 year ago

      Vita is such lost potential, I hear there’s an active homebrew community for it though!

  • Waffle
    31 year ago

    Gamecube was my childhood, Xbox360 in my early teens, PC gaming since then. The steamdeck is currently my favorite, been emulating Gamecube games on it and TOTK.

    The SteamDeck is everything I wanted the PSP and Switch to be. Switch never seemed like a good deal to me, there’s only 2-3 games I’d be interested in, other than that I’d want to mod it but that risks bricking it and an account ban. Price doesn’t seem worth it for that amount of use for me.

    The Steamdeck has been great, being able to hack it and do whatever I want with it has been fun. I’ve recently set it up to remote compile Source engine maps and some remote video transcoding.

  • @zarpath@burggit.moe
    1 year ago


    Commander, are you picking us up? Command and conquer

    Or playing no one lives forever. I also loved half life and all the mods.

    But I guess that’s not a console. So for me that would be the OG playstation. I played countless of hours medievil, medal of honor 2 etc

  • Sandworm-7's hatbox
    31 year ago

    I have good memories with the GBA and DS. They were the first consoles I could buy myself and were so much fun with friends. But now I’m all PC, because mods.

    • DisaOP
      31 year ago

      I used to really enjoy the DS, I would play the latest pokemon with friends and it was always a blast. Can’t really beat PC now adays, it just opens up so much more possibilities with gaming.

  • Pink Bow
    1 year ago

    **** because it was my first system and , although I’m certain I’ve put more hours into the few games I had for the NES ().

    By number of games owned, the Wii/Wii U win easily, but I never really felt that sentimental about either system. I know the Wii U was widely panned, but I thought it was a nice improvement to the Wii in almost every way and had some great games that were basically copy/pasted onto the Switch. I just wish they’d done more with the asymmetric gameplay.

    For modern(ish) systems, Switch is my favorite, as the PS4 just doesn’t have that many games that appeal to me.

    EDIT: Remove some too-personal information.

    • DisaOP
      21 year ago

      My wife has a switch, she says it’s our switch, which might be technically true. But I just have no interest in any games for modern consoles enough to shell out the cash to buy them and then play them. I have too many games I don’t play as is. xD