I spent most of my gaming days playing the Gamecube and Wii, so I’d say Gamecube is probably the system I have the greatest attachment to. But N64 is definitely a close second!

  • doughno@burggit.moe
    2 years ago

    Mostly emulators. There is a very cool GBA and a very good SNES emu. I beat Megaman X on the PSP, since I liked that controller most. But there are a few interesting games, like a top down Counter Strike clone with local network multi. There was also an app for mirroring a PC to the PSP and using it as a controller on the PC.

    My best memory is making a Snake clone in C as a hobby project. I ended up working more on the menu system than the snake game itself, but it is still one of the most fun projects I ever did. https://youtu.be/TjbF4Io_YAw

    • Disa@burggit.moeOP
      2 years ago

      I relate to working on UI more than the core project itself, I have done a lot of things like that. The top-down counterstrike clone sounds really neat! Always love to see what people can end up doing on things like that. Not too surprised that there’s an active emulator community on there. Love people’s persistence to play games on hardware they were never meant to be played on. xD

      I just noticed I answered your points in entirely reverse order. :P