From Jan. 1 to June 30, the nation endured 28 mass killings, all but one of which involved guns. The death toll rose just about every week.

    1 year ago

    Is it bad my initial reaction was, “That’s it?” This figure sounds really low when compared to a “mass shooting” which has similar criteria (4 victims shot, injured or killed), but the distinction is whether or not those shot died.

    I’m pretty tired of this topic. Especially when it’s always framed as a mental health issue. Well, what about the mental health of everyone else aside from the shooters?? Are we just supposed to sit around and pretend like everything’s fine?

    Our “leaders” aren’t even doing the basics like pushing for greater restrictions on purchasing involving background checks. In half the country it’s possible to buy a gun without any form of background check, then carry it around without any kind of license; that’s obviously not working!

    • Turkey_Titty_city
      1 year ago

      Gun industry heavily relies on mentally ill people and their paranoid delusions to fuel their profits. They are the people who are buying dozens and dozens of guns.

      “for example, a report published in 2017 by researchers at Harvard and Northeastern universities. The authors estimate that of the 265 million privately owned firearms in the US, about half are owned by 3% of the US adult population. And while about half of gun owners own one or two guns, 8% of gun owners own 10 or more – a figure that amounts to about 40% of the total US gun stock, according to the report.”

      Normal mentally well gun owners own own like 1-3 weapons, because why would any sane person need more than that? They aren’t making money off your average joe who buys a handgun/shotgun. They are making it off the nutbags who own 20 different combat rifles and all the tacticool accessories so they can cosplay on the weekends as soldiers and ‘train’ who sit around on the internet bragging about how ‘prepared’ they are for some doomsday scenario.

      31 year ago

      I had a similar reaction, way to bury the lead on that headline.

      We have on average one mass shooting PER DAY

    • To my knowledge only one political advocacy group uses that definition. Prior to this group being founded in the last several years, the definition has been four or more killed in a shooting typically unrelated to any other crime. You know incidents like Sandy Hook, Columbine, Virginia Tech, or Las Vegas. You won’t really see any legitimate sources use that definition like the Congressional Research service or most academics.

  • sadreality
    111 year ago

    The sad thing is that the social issues causing these won’t solved for another generation AND THAT’S IF THEY START BEING ADDRESSED TODAY WITH PROPER REFORMS to healthcare, education and housing etc

      41 year ago

      That requires that capital is transferred from the elites to the general population, and that won’t happen under the current power structures.

      • sadreality
        21 year ago

        Preaching the choir dawg… I think most thinking plebs have arrived at a similar conclusion.

        However masses too busy fighting culture wars and consuming propaganda… While elites enabled by boomers looting the treasury.

          31 year ago

          Couldn’t have said it better myself man. Although don’t discount the brain rot with my millennial generation. I meet a lot of millennials who vote just like the boomers do.

          • sadreality
            11 year ago

            no doubt we got fair share of bootlickers with in Gen Y, however, this is natural as decent part of us benefits from the regime as is. they will get their inheritances and they get good jobs via class and nepotism systems. there is no way to make these people to come around with logic because common pleb logic does not apply to them.

            if only working plebs could finally come around and realize that they are not temporally impoverished millionaires… pleb and elite… we are not the same lol

              • sadreality
                21 year ago

                ehh the Gen nobody wants to talk about haha

                used to look to y’all when i was younger. most of my real education came from Gen X… well besides being abused by boomers.

                However, in recent years, my experience with Gen X has been negative as they moved into mid/upper position and now turning around try to extract value from me as if they are the new boomers.

                Then they get butt hurt when the answer is NO… you don’t get a turn clown. This shit stops.

                  21 year ago

                  answer is NO… you don’t get a turn clown. This shit stops

                  Good. I think too many in gen x just got crushed by being so devoid of agency, politically speaking, that they just gave up. It’s been a struggle watching this country I was told to love and support unconditionally continuously spiral downward because the generation that preceeded me milked the system for all it was worth before stealing the same opportunities for social and economic advancement from future generations.

  • Need to start seeing graphic images of the bodies.

    Anonymous should start hacking crime scene photos and sharing them on the internet for everyone to see.

    Should be a civic duty to print out those photos and give them to everyone you know.

    Let them see what a room for a 6-year-olds blown apart beyond recognition looks like.

    • @chowder
      51 year ago

      A mass shooting Emmett Till.

  • blazera
    31 year ago

    yeah, its gonna keep happening as long as we have all these guns

      41 year ago

      criminals, not known for obeying laws, are unlikely to surrender their firearms.

      good luck legislating the problem away though!

      • blazera
        31 year ago

        yeah all those mass shootings conducted by people with the occupation of “criminal”. Driving everywhere on the wrong side of the road, stealing everything, punching babies. Mowing down school kids was just on their typical criminal docket for the day. If it’s illegal, they’re gonna do it, cus they’re immune to laws.

  • I haven’t heard of most of these incidents? Are these from street gangs shooting each other and bystanders or are they what typically dominates the news in the US like Sandy Hook? I feel like if it was the latter these would have had coverage.

      21 year ago

      They did have coverage, but people don’t have the energy to care any more because it just keeps happening

        1 year ago

        What coverage? A local news site covers, maybe a small article in a national news site so they can get clicks saying a mass shooting happened. But it drops off the radar almost immediately precisely because it isn’t a mass shooting. Uvalde had coverage for days and the typical gun politics debate in the national politics with speculation on whether or not it would impact elections in Texas. None of these other incidents that are being counted remotely have that kind of focus because they aren’t the same kind of phenomena and not because of a lack of energy.

  • Turkey_Titty_city
    31 year ago

    Only 13 States limit magazine capacity. Rest of them you can buy a 100 round drum mag for your AR 15

    11 year ago

    I ceased believing this was a civil culture years ago. We’re an embarrassment. Other country’s citizens kill each other for sport. We kill each other for no reason.