For me, it’d probably be teleportation. The possibilities with teleportation are basically limitless.

  • Building’s on fire? Teleport in, grab the people inside, and teleport out. Easy.
  • Getting your butt kicked by a supervillain? Teleport to a gun shop, grab some weapons, and teleport back for round 2.
    • Alternatively, just grab your opponent, teleport in front of a moving train or something, let go of your opponent, and teleport away.
  • Need to defuse a bomb? No need! Just teleport the bomb to the middle of the desert. Never worry about cutting the wrong wire again!
  • Want to go to a Taylor Swift concert, but you overslept? You guessed it: just teleport! You don’t even need to buy a ticket!

Admittedly, stopping time is another very useful power, but teleportation is just really hard to beat. What say you?

    31 year ago

    I want to make measurements by observation. By looking at a car I know its velocity. By carrying a bag I know exactly how heavy it is. By hearing a sound I know all the frequencies within.

    It isn’t super useful for anyone, but I think it would be so cool if numbers just comes up next to an object.

  • @thx1138
    21 year ago

    It may be underrated but I think having magnetos powers could be incredibly useful.

    21 year ago

    Stopping time for sure. If not for the very simple reason of being able to sleep as long as I want/need. Imagine essentially not having to go to bed at night (you do but you’ve stopped time during your nap)

  • MadMaurice
    11 year ago

    I think I would prefer stopping time over teleportation. I’ll probably won’t be able to save anyone from a fire (depending on how fire would work in stopped time), or just drop a bomb into the desert, but I feel like if I kept my current life, i.e. not become a well known superhero, these points wouldn’t be particularly useful.

    The ability to stop time would imho be more useful to me. I could take a multi-hour break just in the middle of work and nobody would know. I could have my five more minutes in the morning without feeling guilty or just have a long vacation without using my vacation days.

    11 year ago

    Time travel would be mine. Could stop every major disaster and can always go back and fix past mistakes without relying on one thing or another.