- cross-posted to:
- missouri@midwest.social
- cross-posted to:
- missouri@midwest.social
- Texas
- Oklahoma
- Louisiana
- (tie) South Carolina
- (tie) Alabama
- Missouri
- Indiana
- Tennessee
- Arkansas
- Florida
I personally agree with this list. But, we have to be pragmatic here. This is what CNBC says they did:
“The study measures quality of life issues including crime, health care, childcare and health care, as well as inclusive policies on discrimination and reproductive rights.”
See, the last two skew this study. People in these shit hole states (not all, but at least enough of the voting public) don’t want inclusive policies or reproductive rights. So, to them, this metric is backwards. They would argue that living in California or New York was way more terrible because of the brown people and gays.
This isn’t exactly a scientific study. It’s taking objective data to reach a subjective conclusion. Neat headline though.
Edit: many if them are arguing exactly that in this thread. With a nice dose of racism and misogyny thrown in. Nice. I love when shit comes full circle.
I mean… if you want to move to one of these states as potentially any type of person (ie. perhaps not white and straight) then the inclusive policies are not an optional feature. If you’re a woman, having the government meddle in your health decisions can actually be life threatening.
For white, straight folks, and especially males, it’s easy to think these other two factors just subjectively improve life, but that’s because they already have a baseline level of respect and power in society.
Based on your take, I’d guess you’re straight, white and male.
Granted, I’m also straight, white, and male… But there are a hell of a lot of women who support abortion bans AND adore Mr “Grab 'em by the Pussy!”
I know one who doesn’t believe God would allow a dangerous, nonviable pregnancy to take hold in (or in the case of ectopic pregnancies, outside of) a woman’s uterus. She just doesn’t believe something as sacred as a uterus can have that kind of flaw built into it.
And even if you could convince her dangerous pregnancies were real, I think @Ohthereyouare@lem.ee was saying that Republican women would not agree that their ability to survive an ectopic pregnancy is good or worth it if it also helps the “sluts” they despise to have more “convenience abortions.”
Surviving might seem pretty good to you and I, but that doesn’t make that ability objectively desirable to the people voting against their own interests. And they would be offended if their access to healthcare was deemed “better” in a quality-of-life metric than access to a set of theocratic restrictions.
They would tell you, “well I’m happier. Liberals think they can speak for me just because I’m a woman and my opinion doesn’t matter! But if they asked me, I’d tell them I would prefer to live in a place where the sanctity of life was valued! They’d have to censor me and edit me out of their videos because I wouldn’t support their narrative!”
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I know one who doesn’t believe God would allow a dangerous, nonviable pregnancy to take hold in (or in the case of ectopic pregnancies, outside of) a woman’s uterus. She just doesn’t believe something as sacred as a uterus can have that kind of flaw built into it.
But I guarantee that the second that she (or any other woman with similar views) had a pregnancy that threatened their life, they’d opt for an abortion ASAP. They’ll rationalize that their abortion was justified and blessed by God, but all those other abortions are just “liberal sluts who want to kill babies” or something.
So what are we supposed to do to get them to stop choosing to be horrible like this? Can’t do nothing… ~Cherri
Yup, I am, but if it’s fair to say that the positive things about Florida don’t count because those positive things exist in other states then it seems to me that it’s fair to say that prejudice against minorities should count against those other states too. Florida does not have exclusive rights to mistreatment of minorities. In fact I’m pretty sure that exists in all 50 states.
My only point, was addressing the thought that a poster said he felt sorry for people living in those states (Florida in this case) and all I was saying was it wasn’t like we all just get up every morning and fail to function because we are all so overwhelmed by how bad it is where we live. We have running water in Florida.
Reproductive rights is healthcare.
Yep. It is. That’s sorta the point though. “Worst” is subjective. Personally? I’d never move to one of those 10 places. But, a lot of them think that the lack of reproductive rights is a good thing, not a bad thing.
I don’t think that… But, a lot of folks in America do.
Just not a majority anywhere. Minority rule baby!
Did I mention majorities?
Cool, popular and correct are not synonyms
There’s only one thing worse than mob rule by a majority. And that’s authoritarian rule by a minority. So it doesn’t mater.
Lol that’s just what every populist jackass says to avoid actually defending their horrific views.
Abortion isn’t a right.
Only because the US doesn’t consider healthcare a right because we’re backwards af.
Healthcare isn’t a right because a right cannot be reliant on service provided by others. That’s just an entitlement given out by shitty governments. Not to mention that abortion isn’t Healthcare
Your right to a jury trial depends on the service of your fellow citizens, as well as the judge, etc.
Your right to vote depends on the service of many volunteers to work the polls, count votes, etc.
Rights are granted and protected by governments; whether they require a service is irrelevant.
I disagree that either of those is a right. They’re just procedural rules regarding government power.
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Inclusivity is bringing the west back 100 years
Pretty sure the west wasn’t all that inclusive in 1923.
How dare they have inclusivity and care what people think and hear them out for their own ideas and inventions and bringing in more competition to a space. I’d rather have monopolies and monoculture so everything can be Grey and not complex, man that would bring so much innovation in the country! :D
Obvious troll
Explanation: 8 day old troll accoint
As someone born in Texas and now resides in Oklahoma I agree with this study.
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As someone from West Virginia I’m stunned we didn’t make the list. McDowell county is hell on earth. The northern part of the state really does hard carry the rest of it.
Economic and health factors in this ranking are severely downplayed in favor of hot social issues.
sweats in Georgia
If you want a good chuckle, here are the states that they say have the best economies. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/13/these-10-states-are-running-americas-best-economies-for-residents.html
Included in the top 10 are:
- Florida
- Texas
- Tennessee
- South Carolina
- Indiana
Best economies for CEOs.
One would only think that’s surprising or funny if they assumed that “best economy” and “best states to live in” necessarily have a one to one overlap. While I can see there being some overlap, l think we all know that business-friendly policies that foster economic growth almost always come with a suite of larger demographic costs.
The key is to seek balance between what’s good for business and what’s good for the public, and in that light it shouldn’t really come as a surprise that some of the most business-friendly states are also the worst places to live.
Isn’t the inflation rate in Florida the highest in the nation?
So basically this is just a “10 states where you can’t abort your unborn baby and men can’t compete against women in sports” list.
I know you have the ability to read. Go use it instead of posting crap like this. ~Cherri
Go read the article. It’s basically a “who’s who” of stricter abortion and “gender affirming surgery” laws, all other factors be damned. Education? Pfft, who needs it. Infrastructure and technology? Irrelevant. Business quality and work opportunities? As if you’d care about that.
Moved from TX to DMV in Feb and it’s night and day here. Love the idea of Texas but the reality didn’t come close.
Where is DMV?
DC Maryland Virginia area.
Don’t get me wrong it not a utopia but much better. I miss Bucees and HEB. There’s also just as many bad drivers here, and the speed limits are LOOOOOW. But folks are on the whole nicer (which to me is weird as I heard folks here weren’t as nice as in Texas). And where I used to live 4 hours would get you to Beaumont and here it’ll get you through three states.
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Spot on assessment from what I have experienced so far here.
I’ve never even been there. I believe you on the nicer, it’s probably genuine and not the superficial “How y’all doing?”
what was your experience like?
The difference two years makes
Red states are shit holes, more news at 11.
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Mortality, not morality. We’re talking about death rates.
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Yeah, thanks for that, assholes.
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Don’t believe everything you read. Yes a lot of that is true, but think about your daily life. Do you think all of that stuff really effects who your friends are, things you do with your family, the house you live in? The kind of things that effect your daily life, probably effect it no matter where you live (increased food prices, interest rates, etc.). Plus there’s hope that one day DeSantis will be gone and maybe a lot of those things will turn around. In the mean time…
I freely admit I’m sick of living in Florida, mostly for the reasons in the article and the dreadful heat, yes. But there’s a lot of good in Florida too. We have year round outdoor activities, regular launches into outer space, theme parks, pretty good beaches, no state income tax, lots of sunshine and hey at least were not Mississippi.
Just remember the source and the criteria used to make that judgment. Every place has pluses and minuses.
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Mississippi is literally the worst state in the country by actual, objective metrics.
Highest obesity rate, lowest life expectancy, lowest literacy, etc
The culture war bullshit is doing significant harm to the red states. They’re alienating significant segments of the population that, you know, contribute to society, and the only benefit they get in exchange is approval from conservatives, but according to polls the transphobes are a minority even within the right wing.
Do you think all of that stuff really effects who your friends are, things you do with your family, the house you live in?
Literally yes. How is that something you’re even questioning?
probably effect it no matter where you live
Of course, but the point here is that some places are effected more than others. My state has very low unemployment, and very low homeless rates. That doesn’t mean there’s no homelessness and no unemployment, but it’s many times less than some other states. Is that a matter of intentional state policy? Probably not. But you are statistically less likely to be homeless or unemployed here. Making matters worse, the median income in my state is $10k higher than the median income of Florida (basically a 1/3rd increase), and the median household income is $20k higher (a 35% increase). That’s nearly the equivalent of having an entire additional income in a household in Florida.
no state income tax
My state also doesn’t have one of those, and we don’t get leveled by hurricanes at an increasing rate while the salt content in our water table rises.
at least were not Mississippi
Compared to my state, mathematically there’s almost nothing separating you from Mississippi. Your population is higher but your households are just as poor. That’s a concern, given the number of shockingly wealthy people that live in Floridian cities. In other words, there isn’t much upward mobility in either state.
No state income tax means the richest people scoot by and the poorest pay the biggest share of their income on shitloads of tolls, the highest food prices I’ve ever seen, retail taxes, and insurance costs that would make your asshole pucker up the second the agent spit out the quote
If you have a lot of money and like poor people to suffer super regressive taxes, then it sounds like a fantastic place
Not Mississippi? You’re Mississippi plus tourism and a different name. That’s the difference
Oh and if you want a theme park that is actually fun, Ohio is the way to go
It’s almost like whether it impacts your daily life depends on two factors (1) are you a targeted minority or (2) you are not a targeted minority but know anyone who is or care about them to any degree.
I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. It’s like when people talk about “third world countries” as if they’re unlivable shitholes that couldn’t possibly have any positive aspects. Like you point out, there are many aspects to life that aren’t directly tied to politics and generally the day-to-day really isn’t that bad. It reeks of elitism and it’s alienating.
And they are subject to the mental poison endemic to that region. It takes a long time and a lot of effort to purge that evil. I can speak from personal experience. It never goes away and it is a constant struggle to shout down that early indoctrination.
This could be another huge talking point for Democrats, but once again, this great opportunity to ding Republican governance is going to be missed since Democrats are so utterly incompetent to sell their successes and attack their opponents.
The inflation rate has fallen down to 3%, which is one of the lowest in the industrialized world right now. Have there been Democrats all over the news selling that success? No, of course not. Gotta keep those wins well hidden, dontchaknow!
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No one thinks we will ever change those in the orange cult. Like zombies, they are long gone and collectively barely have one functioning brain cell.
Dems need to sell their wins to get their base excited - I’m so sick of the brasè attitude that most Dems have regardless of who their candidate is. They could have the most perfect candidate and they are always looking for someone else. They also need to get some independents on board. Neither party can win an election without getting some non-affiliated to vote for them.
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UBI is a joke and will only stand in the way of unity. To think the Dems should somehow rally around something that will never, ever happen is a pointless distraction. Might as well rally around the tooth fairy or unicorn and waste more time and energy instead of going after real issues.
So what are we supposed to do? How do we get things to improve on a national scale in any significant way for workers? ~Cherri
Support politicians who are brave enough to admit that we need to tax the rich and corporations at a higher rate, support programs that will bring manufacturing back to the US (no other industry is as bog of a job multiplier than manufacturing), support programs which lower the cost of entry for higher education.
Hand outs do not work. Not only would they never, ever pass Congress, they shouldn’t even be considered. UBI is a goddamn joke pushed by those who smoke too much weed and have no goddamn clue about life.
Corporate taxes shouldn’t be raised because corporate taxes are overwhelmingly regressive.
Hand outs absolutely do work, and while I’m not on the UBI train, all welfare programs should basically just give cash instead of stamps/benefits/etc
You’re basically just trying to sell doom & gloom to discourage people from wanting what is eminently attainable. Your reasons for doing so are your own, but one wonders if you’re just thoroughly indoctrinated, or if you have some other interest at stake.
Name ONE country which has implemented UBI successfully.
Many studies are ongoing, some with very positive results. Of course, they’re being hamstrung at every turn by conservative shitheads who want us all at the mercy of capitalism.
Amazing! The entire world is stupid, (insert as many additional derogatory terms as you wish). Except for you, of course!
Good on you mate!
True for values where “the entire world” is “Republicans and The Military (also Cops)”. So basically… false.
Twist the words, add words, deflect from the point, anything to advance your “superior” intellect. I see what you did.
Good on you mate!
P.S. It didn’t work.
Go back to reddit “mate.”
You can’t handle the truth can you mate? Amusing
Except none of this is swaying any republican. Some of these states are on the list because they pass exclusive legislation, seemingly overlooking any benefits otherwise.
No one cares about swaying hard-core Republicans. They are basically a lost cause. It’s about showing the entire rest of the country that Republicans can’t govern - aim at swaying those in the middle.
None of the states listed are surprises nor the fact they are all Republican lead states either.
Weird it’s the south east whodathunkit.
How in the world did Mississippi not make this list?
Live in mississippi, it should be #1, like it always is for shitty metrics.
Fun mississippi fact for today, if you own an electric or hybrid car you have to pay extra taxes.
A lot of places do that, they say its because they don’t pay as much gas tax (which is true), which generally go toward maintaining roads and such.
I think we all know it doubles as a “liberal tax” though.
The only reasonable tax I could see being applied to an electric car is a weight tax, but that should be for all cars, not just electric. If your cars weighs more, you should pay more, especially at the city level.
More weight means it produces more wear and tear on roads. Not to mention they are more deadly, even at low speeds.
But I doubt this would happen in Mississippi lol
While true, it should be proportional to the damage.
There’s a reason why semis, construction, and plows deal 99% of the damage to highways lol.
While you can say everyone benefits from semi transportation… There are tons of people who’d prefer proper rail transit upgrades and infrastructure… So they’ll shoot down rail upgrades while also subsidizing truck damage lol.
One analysis contends freight-hauling trucks cause 99 percent of wear-and-tear on US roads, but only pay for 35 percent of the maintenance.
Remember when Republicans tried to get bicyclists to pay their fair share of road damage? Lol.
Fun fact. WA is looking into getting rid of gas taxes and imposing a per mile driven tax due at registration.
Lived there for decades, have to agree.
You have very few rights as a worker. Pay is dogshit, even for better jobs. Life there sucks even if you’re well off. Doesn’t matter if you’re rich, poor, left, right, black or white, it’s gon’ suck donkey balls being there.
Still made the best of my time there but now I’ve moved to Northern Europe and the difference is night and day.
Wisconsin here. I have to pay extra each year for a hybrid car :/
Because it’s #11
I also thought Florida would be much higher.
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It’s democrats ranking states based off their policies, so of course the Republican states will all be at the bottom lol.
Headline should be: “Democrats say Republican states are worst states to live in”.
We should be posting political articles that aren’t clickbait echo chamber propaganda. Don’t let this become Reddits /r/politics, which was REALLY /r/democrats
You didn’t even read their metrics did you? It’s based on crime rates, healthcare, quality of health, etc. Those are pretty objective measures, and ones that republican-controlled states often fight against (see: reluctance to expand medicaid).
Here’s a completely unbiased excerpt about the “worst” state of Texas:
The Lone Star State keeps hacking away at inclusiveness, with laws targeting the LGBTQ+ population, voting rights, and the nation’s strictest abortion ban. Yes, there are enormous economic opportunities in Texas, and it is attracting people from far and wide. But this state also has some Texas-sized issues when it comes to life, health and inclusion. And it is one of the reasons that the state fell out of the overall top five for the first time in the 16-year history of CNBC’s rankings.
Are you trying to say that laws that impact people’s control over their identity are ok?
Just that the article happens to align “good” with the Democratic party’s top social stances. I find it extremely hard to believe that the state that left-leaning people are flocking to is the worst in the nation.
Look, I’m all for equal rights for everyone and the government staying out of people’s personal lives. I just don’t want the constant propaganda.
The propaganda… of judging based on those metrics you supposedly support?
It’s propaganda because it’s dismissing the idea that it’s generally a good state to move to economically. Lots of new high value companies setting up shop provide employment opportunities in a state where there is still land to develop.
I mean, Texas would be too hot for me but it seems a little suspicious that there is not a worse state in the union than Texas according to this.
By all means, if you can objectively come to the same conclusion as the article, great! I just don’t trust the validity of their findings and therefore categorize it as propaganda.
You can call it whatever you want, just know that you are badly misusing the word. Propaganda does not mean “anything I disagree with.” Never has.
Just because there are opportunities doesn’t mean they are good opportunities. And even if there are good opportunities, they don’t necessarily comprise all of them. Just enough to draw in some skilled workers (who are still exploited, just better compensated).
But that’s beside the point. The implication of your comment is that the social issues are the ones that comprise the propaganda, not the economic ones. Just because you pivot to something else doesn’t suddenly mean you didn’t make that argument.
Says the guy bleating conservative propaganda.
Respect for all is not a liberal propaganda conspiracy.
Your identity is your business, just keep it for yourself instead of trying to abuse women and remove their rights then you’ll become a better person
How is allowing people to identify as the gender that fits them abusive to women?
No one cares what you “identify” as. Identify as a turkey for all anyone cares. The problem is with coerced speech and trying to invade sex-specific places and events.
Coerced speech? Invading? Boy that does sound scary.
You have any other completely imaginary strawmen we should be hypothetically scared of?
Identify as a turkey for all anyone cares.
Was “attack helicopter” taken?
Um. Yes. It fucking SUCKS to be a woman, LGBTQ+ + community member, or a minority here in Texas. Good luck if you’re all 3.
This state is a steaming pile of shit and a blight on America. I wish it would secede, but only after the government offers refugee status to those of us who are sane and want to leave.
Then Texas can take its misogynistic, racist, bigoted, xenophobic self and go create its own country. And it can take Florida with it!
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Agreed. I was here for the 2021 Snowpocalypse. Bruh, idk how it was in more rural or northern parts of Texas, but in San Antonio the amount of snow was laughable for shutting the major metropolitan area down like it did.
I was on call for my job and I had to go in three times, and other than under the overpasses where the snow melted and then froze, driving was a non-issue. And yet…businesses were shut down while we all suffered through the rolling blackouts.
My husband and I were lucky, we were getting 15 mins of electricity every hour or so. Other friends were getting 3-5 mins sporadically. I could at least boil our eggs to eat throughout the week.
And now with this heat wave, all over the place ERCOT is advising Texans to keep the thermostat at 80. And certain areas have gone through more rolling blackouts because the grid can’t sustain the AC draw. I’m flabbergasted at this state.
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It’s mostly influenced by abortion and trans gender policies though. It’s click bait and political click bait.
I suppose that’s the only reasonable explanation that doesn’t involve rethinking anything.
“Something bad said against Republicans is propaganda” doesn’t sound fascist at all, huh?
You don’t have the slightest idea what fascism was
Lay it on us then. You’ve brought such riveting commentary so far about “jew propaganda”, so why don’t you educate us all?
Powerful and continuing nationalism Disdain for human rights Identification of enemies as a unifying cause Rampant sexism Controlled mass media Obsession with national security Religion and government intertwined Corporate power protected Labor power suppressed Disdain for intellectual and the arts Obsession with crime and punishment Rampant cronyism and corruption
Oh, and fuck off. 🖕
Criticizing blatant propaganda isn’t fascism.
Can you provide a ranking where you would say these states would come out top? What kind of metric would you like to see being used?
Ok, let’s be objective and use the “Republican-biased” business website state rankings that took its rankings from WalletHub and focuses on the BEST states for “affordability, economy, education/health, quality of life and safety”.
Holy shit, liberal darling, land of Romneycare, Massachusetts is #1. Followed by…New Jersey…and…New York.
Maybe Fox Business isn’t conservative enough anymore? I guess I need to start looking on the Q-Anon forums for a state ranking.
Per capita membership to neo nazi groups?
I don’t feel like doing enough data analysis to get a perfect flip of these 10 being on top, but you could use criteria like low tax rates, abortion restrictions, and loose gun laws, and get a pretty solid inverse list.
The better question is what value do these lists have outside of getting a bunch of people who already agree with it circle jerking over how the incredibly biased list proves they’re right?
You had me in the first half.
It is skewed and should say that it’s terrible for liberals, not MAGA folks
You lost me at /r/politics being a democratic e ho chamber. That’s silly. Sounds like you might be happier in truth social.
Of course Indiana is one of them. Fuck.
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I actually moved back to Indiana from California after growing up here. And I’m glad I did it because my daughter gets to see her grandparents and I got to spend time with my father before he died. I also get to support my mother now that she’s in her 80s. But I really hate a lot about this state.
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Every year I get a little bit happier to live in a major metro area in Indiana so that I dodge the majority experience of the state.
But man it still doesn’t help me feel better about my state. I wish rural Hoosiers would wake up and realize they could have it better
Some of us left here aren’t like them 🥺
Stuck in Missouri taking care of my grandparents and my wife’s parents. I’ve been wanting to move out of this shithole since I was 13. Now, I have to worry about reproductive issues with my high risk wife as it seems like we are hunkering down here entering our 30s.
I happen to agree with the deciding points but the title should clearly be “Worst States To Live & Work In according to Democrats. All 10 Are Republican States”.
Oh bless your heart you never learned to read.
Reading the article makes it blatantly obvious that it’s judged heavily based on metrics that are designed to favor things the democrats want
…like Voting Rights, Crime Rate and Child Care…?
“Life, Health and Inclusion” takes up 14% of the total points.
Lol crying about nonsense voting rights and demanding government child care are massive democrat talking points. What rock have you been under?
So do Republicans not want good Child Care or equal Voting Rights?
As it has already been said in this thread, which metrics would put these states at the top when even statistics published from Fox have the top 10 with 3 states from CNBC’s Top 10 and only 1 from the Bottom 10?
So do Republicans not want good Child Care or equal Voting Rights?
I’m not exactly a big fan of Republicans, but I don’t want the government wasting a dime of my money on child care, and I don’t give a singular fuck about voting rights.
As it has already been said in this thread, which metrics would put these states at the top when even statistics published from Fox have the top 10 with 3 states from CNBC’s Top 10 and only 1 from the Bottom 10?
Unfortunately, I’m a human and not a database scraper bot. I have exactly zero clue what numbers would put this specific combination of states at the top, and I really don’t care to spend the time crunching those numbers.
…how can one not care about voting rights? Do you want other people to decide for you?
And even then, the biggest factors are Percentage of qualified workers, Infrastructure and Stability of the Economy. I don’t really see those as loaded metrics.
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Alabama number one exporter of Air Quality.
All other states have inferior Air Quality.
All other states are run by little girls.
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I gotta say while I’m not happy with Texas decisions and there’s a lot of bs there it doesn’t seem even as bad as Florida much less Alabama and Mississippi.
What a shocking revelation.
I was really hoping this wouldn’t be Reddit /r/politics but it seems like the infestation has begun. Might as well change the community name to Democrats and not politics if it’s going to be the same as Reddit. Otherwise let’s keep “politics” an actual balance of actual discussion and not an echo chamber.
If there’s a problem with my comment to you, you’re the problem. Nothing I said was offensive or bad.
It’s almost like the majority of people are not republican.
Your policies are murdering my friends and an entire gender while stripping away our rights at every chance you can get.
❄️ s: Why can’t I say anything without people telling me to eat my fascist shit!? I just want to be civil!
Your friends are killing themselves because you don’t want to give them the medical help they need, you are fully responsible for that and one day you’ll realize that
Your friends are killing themselves because you don’t want to give them the medical help they need, you are fully responsible for that and one day you’ll realize that
What does that even mean lol? Is this some weird Fox talking point I’ve never heard of?
Reality has a well known liberal bias.
Probably because anyone who had opposing thoughts are shunned as evil without any opportunity for civil discussion, so they vote in silence and don’t speak their opinions.
So, you are saying these things are happening yet here you are speaking you opinion. You get to disagree with people just as people get to disagree with you. Say what you want, but understand there are consequences and you don’t get to dictate what those are if they make you feel bad.
Stop silencing him!!! /S
But I’ve said nothing wrong yet the shunning has already begun. Literally what’s the difference between this and nazi germany or the CCP?
What have I said that is so bad that deserves the “consequences” you’re talking about? All I ask is people don’t just live in a hive mind and shun people if they haven’t done anything worth shunning. I feel like I’m the only one with open eyes and ears here. I don’t shun liberals. I only shun if people say stupid things. Why can’t it be the same from everyone.
People are disagreeing with you, not shunning you. People disagreeing with you is the consequence. That is all that is happening.
You came to a political thread and when people disagree with you, you claim your being shunned. Self reflect on that. Or don’t. I don’t give a shit what you do.
Literally what’s the difference between this and nazi germany or the CCP?
me looking at pictures of a gas chamber and a downvote
I can’t tell the difference!
Sure, what’s happening to the Uighurs in China is bad, but this guy just got downvoted on the internet which is just as bad! Oh, the humanity!
Genuine question, what do you think it means to be shunned? Everyone in this thread is responding to you. We’re talking to you. We’re reading your opinions and sharing our own in response. This direct interaction with you is the opposite of being shunned.
Do you maybe mean people disagree with you and are sharing their disagreements in comments and votes? Because this confuses me too. How isn’t this exactly what you want? Some people agree with you and others don’t. We’re all allowed to talk about our opinions too. No one is turning you away.
I feel like I’m the only one with open eyes and ears here.
If you are then you must recognize how the things you’re saying don’t make sense right now. You can’t both be shunned and continue to be in communication with those that shun you.
I only shun if people say stupid things. Why can’t it be the same from everyone.
I see this and I think “this is a person who would ‘shun’ me if I said something they deem stupid. They think my opinions are stupid. Therefore I expect to be shunned.” I’m very confused by this. If I were to say your opinions are stupid, that gives me the right to shun you, as you suggest, so I don’t think you can complain if you believe we’re doing exactly what you’re asking, no?
However, we aren’t shunning you. We are communicating. You are suggesting that you have the right to “shun” us as soon as you see something stupid. That seems wholely hypocritical and unfair. If fairness is what you’re after, you must realize this.
I don’t want to fight either, and I prefer civil, rational discussions. So please say what you really mean here. Otherwise you’re literally asking that we ‘shun’ you as per your own comment. The things you say don’t make logical sense (stupid) and we should shun stupid. I don’t think that’s very fair, but those are the rules you’re suggesting here.
Literally what’s the difference between this and nazi germany or the CCP?
What a remarkably profound insight you’ve shared! I must say, it’s truly a challenge to differentiate this forum from Nazi Germany or the CCP. In fact, I can’t seem to conjure up any distinctions at the moment, except perhaps a few minor details that some might consider noteworthy, like the violent and systematic suppression of dissenting opinions, the widespread surveillance and censorship apparatus, the imprisonment and torture of political dissidents, the forced labor camps, the state-controlled media that propagates propaganda, the indoctrination of citizens through pervasive ideological campaigns, the abhorrent human rights violations, the complete erosion of civil liberties, the absence of free and fair elections, the pervasive culture of fear and constant surveillance, the mass persecution based on ethnicity or political affiliation, the enforced conformity to a rigid ideology, the use of state power to silence and eliminate opposition, the subversion of the judicial system to serve political interests, the suppression of academic freedom, the manipulation of historical narratives, and so on and so forth.
But yes, practically the same thing. Literally 1984!
Did you come into a political community thinking you would change others’ minds? That isn’t how politics works. People change their minds through education and experience, not from random posts on the internet.
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Honest question - do you think there are more conservatives than liberals in the US?
How do you think republican candidates would fare without gerrymandering and the current state of the electoral college?
Go ahead. Tell us why you love having little access to childcare, healthcare, and worker’s rights.
They’d prefer not to bite the boot that stands on their face.
So what you’re saying is more popular opinions are probably more popular with the public… Hmmm.
Also, if you cared about karma on reddit and you care about karma on Lemmy… And both places hate republican policy… Maybe that’s a sign that their policies are literal fascist nationalist Christian shit that people don’t like. If you feel like your opinion is dragged through the mud everywhere but your dark corners and echo chambers… Maybe it belongs there lol.
What people are experiencing in the lifting of civil discussion because democrats know better now. Republicans don’t care about civil discussion and they weaponize hypocrisy like priests weaponize their dicks on choir boys mouths. Lol.
We can’t tell if the “liberal” opinion is more popular though because you guys shun anyone who thinks otherwise. I guarantee you there’s people who don’t think like you, that just agrees with you cause they don’t wanna deal with the backlash. And it’s sad af that that’s where this country is at. Im not understanding how “be more respectful” is turning into such a huge deal here.
I care about civil discussion, I’m doing it right now. I’ve insulted no one and I’ve been insulted 20 times in 10 minutes so far.
Republicans care about civil discussion, they just don’t discuss because you guys do nothing but attack. You don’t have to listen to me but this is the universal truth, both online and in person.
We shun people who say stupid, uninformed, homophobic, racist, conspiratorial nonsense. Not differing “opinions”. There’s a difference champ.
MuH fascism!!!
There is no penalty for having an unpopular comment. It’s politics, most comments will be unpopular. I think the issue you are having is that the majority of people below the age of 65 lean liberal by a wide amount. Most Conservative views these days are hate-filled and or violent. That kind of talk doesn’t appeal to the wider population.
Does that mean if we keep
downloadingdownvoting you you’ll leave?Of course not. He’ll just whine louder.
By all means feel free to post something to this community to generate the discussion you’re looking for Mike!
So far you’ve posted nothing, to any community.
“You haven’t spent your time posting to Lemmy how dare you!”
Ok….? This is the first time politics showed up on my feed, and looks like it’s going to be the last time. Just like r/politics
You quoted something I didn’t say. If that’s the attitude and quality of discussion you’re looking to bring then by all means block this community from your Lemmy experience.
…starts with a dizzying triple combo of ad hominem (democrats are infestations), straw-man (arguing that the commenters are bad instead of focusing on the article we’re commenting on), and association (all folks who disagree with me are bad).
…then demands fair and elevated discourse and complains when it’s not offered.
I might have been part of the problem in /r/politics, but your message leaves out the “treat others how you wish to be treated” lesson that is also frequently lacking in the policies of the states in the article.
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Literally proving my point lol. Thanks I guess.
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They love shooting themselves in the foot
So why do you think health care, childcare and policies on discrimination are invalid metrics for evaluating quality of life, and with what would you replace them?
Guns per capita, biggest fish caught, and hunting licenses allowed per year, most like.
Oooo boooy, Alabama gets an extra Senate seat cuz Jimbo caught a monster catfish, with just his bare hands!
That’s the kind of leadership and intelligence we need around here. Atta boy Jimbo.
biggest fish caught
Everyone lies about that so it’s not a reliable metric. I’d say fewest teeth per capita or just overall chewing tobacco sales.
Everyone lies about that
It’s just a campaign promise, bro!
What do you want? Should people on the left not post here in the interest of balance? Maybe they can LARP as republicans so you don’t get triggered, would that help?
Maybe just stick to posting things of a higher quality than just circle jerking democrats?
Not sure what kind of discussion you’re wanting to see, but I feel like a lot of current discussion that would be considered non-left-biased is over things like “do trans people deserve to exist?” and I don’t think those are discussions worth having.
Lol get down off the cross
How do you suppose we have political conversation without pointing out the flaws relating to the party in charge?
Why is it that only one parties flaws are ever discussed and never the other ones?
Cool way to avoid the question with another question. Very engaging.
This is why people shouldn’t engage with people like you. Don’t act surprised when you’re simply ignored by rational people in the future.
You know what I said is true.
We all do it’s just that their job is to spread fake news
fake news
Such as?
We all do it’s just that their job is to spread fake news
If you think a party has flaws which aren’t being discussed, then discuss them. Stop whining about a flaw not being discussed and make a post about that flaw. That’s how discussion happens.
People will read your evidence and analysis of the flaw and upvote you if they agree or downvote you if they disagree. They will not upvote or downvote you and ignore the post if they want to shun your opinion.
I was really hoping this wouldn’t be Reddit /r/politics but it seems like the infestation has begun.
Yes, we’ve already seen an influx of conservatives that whine that everywhere isn’t stomfront-y enough for their liking.
I’m not the only one who noticed this right? It feels like every comment section is turning into conservatives complaining
Thanks for letting me know I’m not alone. They’re doing what they do with every platform: preemptively whining that it’s so unfair that bigotry isn’t treated with fawning worship in the hopes that if they gripe frequently enough, the mods will internalize it and start protecting bigotry under the guise of civility.
We have plenty of comments for all sides of the political spectrum here. The only things that get removed are calls for violence, hate, or comments that are not civil toward community members.
Interesting how the constant slanderous accusations of fascism being thrown around don’t qualify as “not civil”
I’m still deciding if I should block this community.
You have to remember you’re interacting with people from around the world, and people who skew ‘younger-than-boomer’.
Given both of those things, a general left leaning bias should be expected.
I have a general left leaning bias. r/politics was a whole other level. I try to avoid the loonies from either side.
What would you consider to be your left leaning bias?
I’m not inclined to put my “leftness” on trial for you. I’ve seen enough to make a decision on the sanity of this community though.
I thought you wanted to have a conversation?
Don’t let us keep you, I’m sure you have other options for entertainment.
What is Tucker up to these days?
As the leftiest leftist that ever lefted a left, nazis and people who want Medicare for All are morally equivalent.
Just block the jew propaganda
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They are paid to spread propaganda and hate and bring back racism, otherwise they couldn’t sell you their “cure”, you’ll never get rid of parasites
They are paid to spread propaganda
Paid by whom?
They are not paid, they have been groomed to think their point of view is the majority. It’s not.
Don’t you assholes have Twitter and Truth to go whine and cry on?
I’m extremely left leaning, pretty much all of the top voted replies to you are ridiculous. Clearly this is already an echo chamber
Do you think that it might be that logic and reason have a liberal bias? I mean, it’s not a big stretch to think that racism, bigotry, misogyny, and xenophobia might find itself at odds with those on the rational side of arguments.
It also will always amuse me when people whine about “liberal bias” when what they mean is- self-awareness and non-judgmental observation.