
Adam Sandler gets therapy from a giant time and space fairing psychic spider and comes to the realization that his dreams and his mission to advance human understanding was wrong and should have come second to consoling his wife about her uterus and other mammal instinctual bullshit.

Fuck you, spider. Mental health is important but I personally place the future of mankind much higher on the list. Every moment we delay our intellectual development as a species is another moment of additional pain and suffering on an unimaginable scale.

10/10 worth a watch

  • kryptonianCodeMonkey@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The use of heavy handed wording was intentional but not to be dismissive of caring for family, friends, etc. It was meant to be dismissive of a person who thinks that science and discovery is a waste of time and that interpersonal connection is the ONLY thing that matters. THAT point of view is simple, is overly sentimental, is small. If someone is pushing that view than the only thing I can infer is that they simply do not understand the science or its importance, which, today, usually means they’re incapable or too apathetic to try because the knowledge couldn’t be much more accessible than it is. My preference is that science not be maligned as inconsequential or even detrimental. There is plenty of that anti-intellectual sentiment going around and I have no respect for it.