Does anyone else think that WA/Perth should put their hand up to take this on?

I think it would be fantastic for the state, and we have the money (at least more than Victoria 😁), and given the short notice it wouldn’t look that bad if we didn’t have the perfect venues etc.

I feel like if McGowan was still in he would jump on this! I think I heard Roger has already vetoed it though…

    61 year ago

    Don’t all commonwealth games and Olympics create massive debt for the state and tax payers? I always wonder why they do it, just to put their name to an elite event so they are put down in history as enabling it, or what? does the Olympic committee pay them bribes?

      21 year ago

      just to put their name to an elite event so they are put down in history as enabling it, or what?

      That’s probably part of it, but it also gives governments an excuse to bulldoze neighbourhoods and reshape cities according to their own interests. See:

    51 year ago

    I mean yes we have a good surplus but we still have a shit load of debt to pay off so financially we are ok but not great. I don’t think you really get a good return either financially or in directly.

    They should look at doing something like fifa and sharing it between states so you can utilise existing infrastructure

      21 year ago

      We are literally doing FIFA right now with the other states. Denmark v China tomorrow night at Perth oval.

      I know you meant mens’ tournament, but the women’s tournament is a decent festival to be hosting.

        21 year ago

        The World Cup is spread around two countries though and plays only one type of sport, in facilities that are already in a good state that are frequently used.

    51 year ago

    No, based on the amount of time the Mitchell freeway has been under construction, we wouldn’t get the infrastructure built for the 2026 Commonwealth games until 2036.

  • Fuck no!

    We do have some money presently, but we should hoard it like a jealous dragon to feed health and education in the coming years.

    There’s no way we would make the $7bn revenue to justify the cost.

    We don’t really need the exposure either. WA is already an appealing destination for migrants.

    I love the games too but in these troubled times someone else can pay for it.

    11 year ago

    I like Perth airport, it has charm. I’d prefer it didn’t çhange to accommodate sport tourists