Alabama Republicans are poised to pass new congressional district maps that ignore a Supreme Court order to create a second majority-Black district. The proposed maps include a district that is only 42% Black in the House plan and 38% Black in the Senate plan, which voting rights groups say would not give Black voters a real chance to elect candidates of their choice. Plaintiffs who challenged the original maps as a violation of the Voting Rights Act plan to fight the new maps in court as well, arguing that Alabama Republicans are intentionally drawing maps that disenfranchise Black voters in defiance of the Supreme Court order. The new maps have drawn national attention, with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy reaching out to Alabama legislators to discuss how the maps could impact control of Congress.

  • katy ✨
    2411 months ago

    Using this precedent, Biden should cancel student debt.

  • HousePanther
    2111 months ago

    The Alabama governor is then going to fuck around and find out. He’s not above the law and failure to comply with a court order could result in prosecution.

      4011 months ago

      Their goal isnt to win this fight, it’s to delay the process long enough to install someone that’ll declare them the victor.

        2211 months ago

        I hate to be cynical but yeah this is absolutely right.

        The “punishment” will likely be a bunch of officials saying “wow that’s really bad.” And when that is the only punishment why NOT try to force your political will?

        Hate to say it but the brazen wackos are often the ones moving mountains.

    1611 months ago

    And Dems will refuse to either A) send in the national guard to enforce the law or B) say fuck it the courts are irrelevant and ignore all the BS decisions they want

    • APassenger
      111 months ago

      Not even a little.

      There was th Civil War and white folk got to pretend shit was settled while back folk knew better. Took until the 60s for things to start to shake up and even then White’s weren’t sure they should support something like requiring equal treatment.

      Then we got the Voting Rights Act Then SCOTUS, in recent years, decided we didn’t need that anymore. People are legitimately surprise the Court decided this way. Recent rulings have been a constant erosion.

      • @circularfish@beehaw.orgM
        11 months ago

        No doubt. I was thinking about Southern ‘patriots’ deciding they can ignore the federal government when it suits them. But to your point, they had to send in marshals just so little kids could go to school, and that happened in living memory so … yeah.