For at least ten years, the Chinese Communist Party has been abducting its overseas citizens on EU territory and forcibly returning them to China - violating the rule of law and public security in Europe - a new report finds.

We’ve heard some reports about illegal Chinese policestations abroad before. But it seems now that it’s been going on for a very long time, and on much broader scale then previously thought.

NB: The original link gives us a 404.

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tnx 2 & @fö

    10 months ago

    “Persuasion.” “Repatriate.” Uh huh, ok.

    What gets me is that these individual countries aren’t more concerned that a foreign actor is operating state-sanctioned activities within their borders under the radar. If the script was flipped, say a US operative conducting these activities in China, they’d “disappear” off the radar very quickly.