Don’t get me wrong. Apple removing audio jack was the biggest facepalm in smartphone history. And you can thank it for not being able to make an upgrade without sacrificing audio jack (and SD card too :/). But USB-C is getting standardized everywhere now (laptops, smartphones, etc.). What makes USB-C earphones not worth the switch?

    2 years ago

    In the world of USB Headphones and Microphones, this is unfortunately false. 3.5mm jacks in general don’t get any interference from nearby cables/electronics, but USB cables do. This causes a bunch of noise and other issues that are annoying to fix, mostly requiring gear that allows taking the bad USB cable out, and replacing it with one that has shielding. (edit: this came out way too confident, take it with huge grain of salt)

    IF YOU DO actually work in professional studio environments and know what you’re talking about (it’s different to just knowing the physics of it), I’m obliged to listen more, because that’s the one field where shit goes wank.