God fucking dammit fuck
All of those veggies our in our couldron brewing. Lamb instead of chicken tho.
Thank you for the tea 💜
Virtual chicken soup on its way to you - 🐔🍲
Sorry to hear that mate! At least you can snuggle with Mickey. Does your partner have it too or just you?
Both of us tested positive immediately. We’re currently groaning while brewing some soup lol
oof that is a strong line too… you got it real good
oh no.
Big speedy recovery.
It’s certainly around again. Hopefully its short and sweet.
Damn. I hope you’re not feeling too bad from it.
How long did it take for the line to pop up?
Anyway get plenty of rest and lay low for the next few days.
Get well soon!
It was an immediate line, no delay or faintness at all, for both me and my partner.
It’s definitely not as bad as the first time: was out for two weeks. This time it’s just like a really nasty cold. We’re both very whiny and whiny about it lol, but can move about and do stuff with effort.
Just made myself a honey tea, but forgot to get lemons lol
oh noes, so many hugs take care, rest up
First time? Internet soup delivery 🍲
Possibly third, but the second confirmed infection
Eerrrrggghhhh. Late to the party this morning. We had some excitement opposite me in our street last night - 3 am firetrucks and cop cars. Cops carefully saying nothing, but the firetrucks were all hooked up to the water supply, and lots of firies everywhere in gas masks. The houses opposite and me and my next door neighbours all got woken up and asked to leave for a safe space up the street. Presumably a gas problem/leak of some sort I reckon as no smell of fire. After an hour or so they let us back home and the trucks packed up and left. PSA: Oodies and ugg boots are fantastic for evacs of this sort - pocket holds all sorts of things and very very warm. They did offer us blankets but I didn’t need one with the oodie.
Ugh! As somebody who doesn’t typically clothes at night this would be very extra. Upset cats stuffed in boxen and no pants. 😝
I’ve always been worried that the one night I tried to sleep without clothes, my house would catch on fire. Or I’d get up at 2am for a dunny run really tired and forget I’m not wearing any clothes
I’ve accidentally learned to play piano.
So, I use a keyboard to play melodies on my PC to make songs. Usually playing one finger on each hand, like how some people type lol
Tonight I wasn’t really thinking, just noodling away and realised I can play with all fingers on both hands!
Still awkward, but it blew me away.
Edit: later in the evening, I was listening to something I’d recorded on my phone. This is how Gibson felt about the noise:
That’s a very dirty look!!’ My cat is terrified of my piano. Feel guilty when I start to play and she runs out of the room
Hey, I’m one of those people that only types with one finger on each hand :(
So is my GP. It concerns me
My GP is a fucking machine when it comes to typing. He has to type at like 200WPM
I blame phones though. I learnt to type on a phone, and it’s a bit awkward to use more than 2 thumbs typing on a phone (at least with the size of them these days), so I think I just sort of applied that logic to computer keyboards but with my pointers instead of thumbs
It took a while for Gibson to get used to the studio at home. Now she’ll come nap on the couch while I’m playing.
I was visited by a new fren :)
Apparently it visits our yard every few months. I fed it some ham and it stayed for a while then walked to the fence gate, meowed, then walked off down the footpath
It has gorgeous eyes
So fluffy!
Seriously! I thought it was a chonker at first, but no, 95% fluff!
Look of concentration… It’s memorising the location of the ham
Works for me, I’d be quite happy if it visited every day 😂
It knows this…
They are bastards.
Don’t call my new friend a bastard :/
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Christ. And here am I deciding on 6 sausages instead of 10…
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I might rewatch Soylent Green this week.
A kid in Miniest’s class at school wants to be a butcher when he grows up. No wonder!
I don’t even buy meat. Only exception being homebrand cat food for my pet
Wow. How much steak was that?? There’s a dude at my local farmers market that does four grass fed porterhouse for 30 bucks and that plus a pack of snags or some mince does me for a month or more (I am mostly vego).
I suppose when we start eating the rich we will know they were well fed at least…
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I could go some wagyu-fed, free-range billionaires right about now. Got my tummy grumbling!
I hate that feeling of the blues when you have no reason to feel that way…
I used to blame my hormones …🤭
I’ve found that strangely, I tend to get that way on Sundays. Not Mondays, not Saturdays, only Sundays. I’m better these days, but a couple of years ago, almost every Sunday I’d feel like shit and really depressed. It didn’t matter what I was doing, even if it was something I really liked, I still felt sad all day
@Baku how did you get out of it?
I don’t really know. I did move into a better, more peaceful, and happier situation, but I still get it to a lesser extent
@Baku hopefully will find that peace one day
I think it’s Sundays for me as well. It feels like saying farewell to another week of my life. Bittersweet in a way.
I think it came about from my school anxiety. I only remember it being a thing not long before my school anxiety peaked
I am now at a point where I have lived more of my life in the 21st century than the 20th.
I knew it had to be close to that point and was thinking I should have a “half life” party to celebrate the occassion, but apparently it was nearly 2 months ago so I missed it.
I hit that achievement approximately a second after I was born. You’ll get used to it /s
You just need to find the secret of eternal youth and then you can celebrate yours some time in 2101! or hang on, is that 2201? math hard.
Am never going to make it until I get a telegram from the king.
Which King though? Sausage fingers seems unlikely to last.
With boyos in the next generation and the one after that, bound to be one or other of them. I’m not fussed as to which.
If we are lucky we will be a republic. 🤞
Oh crap what a great idea. Except I’ve missed mine too (about 18months ago apparently). That’s wild.
Mine was 4 years ago. Gulp. I don’t feel that old.
Are you counting from January 2000 or 2001? I remember there being debate at the time over when the century starts. Either way, I have a bit to go.
Very good point. There was no year zero, so the official turn of century (and millenium) is 2001. This means I have nearly 2 more years and can have my “half life” party after all!
Three years to go!
I have a fair few years to wait
I am over the worst of the cold but pretty fatigued and have a lovely hacking cough… I am getting really depressed about the state of my home though - haven’t had the energy to tidy/clean/cook much or generally adult all week.
So give me your best tips for focusing and moving and cleaning when you don’t feel like it!
(and I will rest but the mental health impact of the clutter is bigger than the physical illness plus I think moving will help clear the snots)
Close your eyes, click your heels, and say ‘I wish the goblins would take you away’
Will that make David Bowie turn up too? I could live with that
That’s a separate incantation involving red shoes and dancing the blues
Those pants and a set of washing up gloves would be quite the outfit
My 🧠!! Under pressure, Queen vacuuming, David in rubber gloves, a high power water washer…
that’s probably my fave Queen video. I want to break free
Now add the scarlet YSL codpiece from Word Up
When I’m super super sick, it pays to differentiate between “untidy” and “dirty”. Deal with “dirty” first, and take frequent rests. “Untidy” can be done any time after that.
My washing machine runs for about an hour. I pop on a load and then use it as a timer: I’ll clean until the washing’s done. Might not work as well for a slow front loader!
Some upbeat music or an interesting podcast helps too.
I use this tactic too. Doesn’t matter how shit I feel, if I have something else running in the background (washing machine, dishwasher, even the rice cooking) my brain will be more likely to get stuff done in between. Music also helps.
I think the inertia for me comes from this sinking feeling that the work is unending. having an inbuilt timer in the form of the background machine activity, and the music, helps me trick my brain.
Pick the thing that’s making it feel the most messy, eg kitchen. Then do the dishes and wipe the benches and make it tidy. If you have no more energy for anything else doesn’t matter, the worst is done and the place will feel enormously better.
As per PeelerSheila - sort the problem. My prioritised list would be - kitchen (including washing up and countertops but not floors), bathroom, bedroom then living room. In short, do small bits with big impact, then work down through the list. The floors can wait, the washing up can’t due to microbiology. A big area like the living room - find a dump zone (eg tabletop/sofa), then put all clutter there. Then straighten up the furniture (and floor if you have the energy) then depopulate the dump zone item by item into its proper place. There’s a hundred ways to do this - it’s finding one that’s doable for you right now.
First I would have something to eat. Next pick up any rubbish and dispose of that. Then dishes. Then I would tidy the lounge room because that’s where I spend my time when I’m sick. I just do a bit at a time.
Day 14 of the chilli ferment.
Pretty sure I’m not going to get botulism with this one go me.
That picklemix terrifying
Booooo. My landlord wants me to take off all my plants from the balcony because apparently a crack (that was already there long before I moved in) has gotten worse. Fair enough because they want to get it fixed. But it’s a lot of plants to lug down two sets of stairs, and then across and up another two to put in the common area…
I don’t know how long they will take to get the balcony fixed - in the meantime, watering and maintaining these plants is going to be a pain and a half. I absolutely can’t be carting water from my unit to the common area so I’ll have to use the communal tap 🤷♀️
What I’m worried about the most is if they say I can’t put any plants back on at all. I’ll be absolutely fuming if that’s the case. Let’s hope they’ll be reasonable. I know they’ve appreciated seeing the veggies and flowers on it and I know several of my neighbours have appreciated them too.
Trying not to spiral into negative thinking and assume they’ll up the rent after this fix as well >_< mustn’t jump to conclusions…
wants me to take off all my plants from the balcony
ouch… hrmm.
It’s such a cold night.
Stay warm everyone.
Melbcat is tucked in next to me with a hot water bottle. lol
Ha I managed to avoid most of it. Fell asleep at 9ish with the electric blanket on high. That translated to my dreams taking place in northern WA with the temperatures hitting 49°. It was fantastic. Although I did wake up with hiccups and feeling like I hadn’t consumed any liquids in about a week
Walked to Moon for some cruller treats and stopped at Eddy gardens for some dog watching on the way home. Surely this makes up for rotting in bed all day yesterday?
Yesterday was Lucha Fantastica day and we absolutely loved it! It was at Collingwood town hall and we got there early, so first we went around the corner to Raphs for a coffee and snack, a nice tiny cafe that Mr P said did a great moussaka.
The kids could get right up close to the wrestling ring and my eldest (the keen wrestling fan of the family) was particularly enthralled. He was very interested in inspecting the setup of the ring and how it was put together. I never thought I’d spend a Saturday enthusiastically cheering a wrestling man dressed as a giant taco but there I was. Captain Chipotle chugged Valentina chilli sauce from the bottle. Chico was a crowd favourite, throwing lollies into the crowd throughout the show. I hear during the later adults show it’s tequila getting poured into the crowd ringside. One dude was wrestling dressed as an alien 😂 Mr P was happy there was Mexican beer and a margarita which was surprisingly strong, it really slapped. It was the kind of light hearted entertainment I’d been missing. At the end they had a couple of pinatas for the kids to have a crack at (some of those kids were swinging for Australia lol). An all round excellent day.
That sounds like so much fun actually
It’s taken me a while to get here, but I’m sat in front of the computer now about to research shit I need to get done for this trip. Sun streaming in the windows, Nujabes’ Modal Soul playing, looking forward to work this coming week. Trying my best to channel the good feels, which I can’t seem to hold onto very well…
hugs, here is some travel music ✈️ 🚄🌸🍒 ⛰️
or maybe 🦁 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTQbiNvZqaY
I managed to potter around and get the house respectable. Tidied, clothes away, dishes washed, light vacuum. Need to wipe down the bathroom but I will do that when I have a shower.
Took all day because of an accidental naptime - the sun was streaming in on the bed and I had no choice but to be a cat.
Also what a gorgeous day out there.