Edit: Because people are confused, remove them while they are defederated.

Once they’ve got stuff under control and refederate, then add them back.

  • SpaceBar
    51 year ago

    Definitely remove them until they can federate properly.

  • @Spzi@lemmy.click
    21 year ago

    It’s not just beehaw. Here you can see a list of instances with how many they have defederated (3rd column from right, ‘BI’). A few others have more than 380 defederations, too.

    Also, isn’t that just what the de/federation system does? Instances can decide on their own, we don’t have to agree as a whole. Who owns ‘lemmy proper’ to make the call which instances are displayed on join-lemmy.org or removed from it?

    But what definitely should be removed is this line:

    You can access all content in the lemmyverse from any server/instance.

    That’s simply not true, and creates false expectations. Either change that line or only show instances with 0 defederations.

    • @inventa@lemmy.fmhy.ml
      11 year ago

      While I agree with you, beehaw is the only big community blocking so many instances. The other 2 are just a handful of subscribers

      I think you hit the key with removing the sentence, it’s just that beehaw made it very obvious at a time it got a ton of attention.

      If beehaw wants a smaller very strictly moderated community it shouldn’t be offered as a point of access to the rest of the fediverse, specially now that a bunch of new people don’t know much about lemming and may feel deceived

  • Arcanus
    11 year ago

    why? I understood it was just a temporary thing, not permanent.

    Everyone is going through some growing pains right now, why not be gracious and let things progress as they need to? Or do you know something I don’t?

    • CSFFlameOP
      1 year ago

      I was not implying to permanently remove them. I did indeed mean to remove them while they’re defederated. They said they can’t handle the influx of users with only 4 admins.

      Obviously they would be readded when they refederated.

        • @PriorProject@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          If the defederation is open ended, it seems pretty reasonable to delist them until it’s sorted. They’ve cut themselves off from more than 30% of the active Lemmy userbase, and are at the center of what’s about to become a monumental storm of confusion around asymmetrical federation. There’s no need to subject more people to that than is necessary.