
Captain Pike and his crew welcome a Klingon defector aboard the USS Enterprise, but his presence triggers the revelation of some shocking secrets.

Written by Davy Perez

Directed by Jeff Byrd

  • Tom Riley@mas.to
    2 years ago

    @ValueSubtracted …thinking he is the superior fighter, and B) test if he can get a quick, sharp attack past his guard? Was he prepping in case he wanted/needed to kill him?

    We don’t see the end fight, but we believe from M’Benga looking Pike in the eyes, twice saying “I didn’t start the fight” that he didn’t.

    However, in M’Benga’s PTSD-ridden mind, where he never “finished” the mission to kill Rah, maybe he really doesn’t think he started it, because Rah “started it” on J’Gal?

    • Tom Riley@mas.to
      2 years ago

      @ValueSubtracted This could be the case whether or not Rah started the fight at the end, but after rewatching, it feels like M’Benga’s actions were all preparing for that outcome (or preparing to protect himself?) Rah of course also has a motive to kill M’Benga - he’s the only person who knows what actually happened with the Klingon commanders on J’Gal.